Body Image and Daughters

April 30, 2014

When I look into to the mirror I see acne scars and dark under eye circles.
I see the 7 incisions across my abdomen. I see the hair loss across my crown.
I see the stretch marks across my stomach. I see the line in between my brow and the smile lines.
I see the lack of a chest from nursing. I see pale dry skin from not enough sun
and too much hand washing from dirty diapers and dishes.

But lucky for me.. God sees all of that and is head over heals in love with me.
He sees me.

I’m really learning to ACTIVELY tell myself, that I need to look with eyes like God, on myself {and my life}
He sees the big picture…the true value and worth.

I wanted to share my heart with you in case you have felt the same way about yourself.

I know one thing, I was told at a young age of a woman’s true value and worth
and I still struggle with it some days…
I can’t imagine if no one ever told me those things at all!

We are made in His image.. And he looks down on us so in love…
I want my girls (Micah too) to know this from the start…
That they are a princess in His eyes. And to view themselves like He views them.
I know that this has to be shown in my example though.
They can’t always hear mommy complain about how she hates her hair or can’t stand her stomach.
There have been times I caught myself about to say something like that and
then realized I had little sweet ears listening and learning from everything I say!

Join me in helping our future women realize their amazing worth and beauty…
Starting with helping ourselves realize it!
I have realized even more, since having my girls, how important body image is.
Sophia already has cried over wanting her hair straight like sienna’s. She’s going to be 6!
They start so young comparing and trying to figure out what “pretty” is.
I want my girls to know that they are perfect how God made them.
That they shouldn’t want to be anybody else because they are amazing.
Having this on my heart I know I need to practice what I preach…
You are perfect how God made you…
and you shouldn’t want to be anybody else because you are amazing.

Love yourself today mamas! you might have little ladies watching you :)

  • Trisha Millward
    April 30, 2014 at 11:29 pm

    This is a great reminder, especially now when I am pregnant and have a two-year-old to run around after. If I ever have a daughter, I hope I can set as great an example for her as my mother did for me.

  • Amber Mardis
    April 30, 2014 at 11:31 pm

    So beautifully said :) as I read that I was thinking back to see if I have ever said anything “negative” about myself in front of my daughter and I am not sure but I k ow that I will make a promise to myself to make sure I don’t ever do that :)

  • jbrancaccio
    April 30, 2014 at 11:35 pm

    Know that I am and have always been jealous of your hair and I frequently call my belly a buddha belly. If only I was jsut few inches taller….everything would be better distributed. Great post to remind me of what is really important.

  • Anne Anderson
    May 1, 2014 at 12:34 am

    I’m a new mom to a little girl and struggling HARD to love myself because I know she needs to see that. Thank you for letting me know I’m not alone & momma you are gorgeous! Heck we all are pretty great :)

  • Ashley Parrish
    May 1, 2014 at 9:08 am

    Great post! Something I am really really struggling with right now. I have had five babies. Until the last birth (c section with twins) I was pretty confident. My body had gone back to pretty much the way it was before babies. 8 weeks postpartum c section with twins….. Yikes! I’ve complained more than I would like to admit. I have a 7yr old daughter and I often catch myself not believing the things I tell her about what beauty really is. Thanks for this encouraging post!!!

  • Erica Donoho
    May 1, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    Such a great reminder! It is so easy to be unhappy with what we see and forget that God made each of us and loves every bit of his creation :)

  • Denise Ross
    May 2, 2014 at 7:47 pm

    Such a great reminder, thank you. I’m trying to be intentional with how I talk to myself when I look in the mirror and shift my focus to being thankful for all the things my body allows me to do and be. I have a 16 yr old daughter and she thankfully does crossfit so now appreciates the way she looks and what she can do physically. I too try to let my kids know they are made exactly the way God wanted them and are beUtiful inside and out. Interesting for my now 18 yr old son, it was all about having a 6 pack a few years back. I think working on thought patterns that focus on being thankful for our bodies and all they allow us to do is a good thing. This is definitely an area we all need to work on.

  • Jelli B.
    May 5, 2014 at 10:58 am

    You’re absolutely right! Our daughters (and sons) learn so much from watching us, especially when it comes to self-worth. Definitely worth reminding that we are indeed created in God’s likeness and loved beyond measure no matter what our outsides look like. Thank you, Natalie.