Settling into Louisiana!

August 17, 2016

IMG_9074 Moving is always crazy. add four kids and a short timeline and it just ups the craziness.
But we made it happen! we did it! It feels good to have the packing and traveling part behind us.
We made the best of it but it was A LOT of please Jesus be with us…haha.
We packed up our house (that our landlords are now listing for sale!) and were off to Alexandria Louisiana!

My parents came down with us.
My dad drove our car…ben drove the Moving truck…
and my mom and I were in their van with the kids.
We got the loudest (but cutest) option of transportation… haha.
Kids are super fun on long road trips behind slow moving-moving trucks. try it. ;) ;)

Asher wasn’t such a fan of the car this time around.
But as soon as you took him out of the car he was one happy camper.
I’m hoping that, like childbirth, time will make the miserable details of the road trip fade away haha.
If you were following my snaps, I don’t feel like I adequately showed
the full extent of the crazy. just the cute moments. because…
I was dealing with said craziness instead of snapping. BUT.. I know it wasn’t anything new.
Anyone with kids and needing to travel in the car for a long time..gets it.
You want to kiss the ground once you arrive haha.
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We arrived to our new Home Sweet Home last week and it couldn’t have been more amazing.
Our friend had our house key to turn the ac on for us…
We pulled into the driveway and saw a welcome sign on the door,
a crew of people on the front steps, a stocked fridge
with dinner, snacks, drinks, essentials and treats!
Tubs of drinks in ice for the volunteer movers
and a handful of youth group girls to watch the babes while we unpacked the truck!
So thankful for this huge act of kindness and hospitality.
We were blown away and I was so excited to show my parents this amazing church
community we discovered here in Alexandria, Louisiana.
Have been feeling all the feelings. Excited, sad, happy, nervous and hopeful!
Anddddd tired.
The first night we all crashed in a hotel so we could tackle
the unpacking the next day with a little more energy.

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I’m so thankful for such a bright and beautiful place to have as home for our family here.
It’s like God wanted to make it easier for me to be away from family and take this leap of faith
by providing us with such a warm home and welcoming community.
So grateful for all the blessings we’ve experienced here
and it definitely eases my heart and makes me excited and hopeful for our new adventures here!

I’m so glad it worked out for my parents to come down with us.
We weren’t ready to say goodbye and it always feels better when you can picture where someone is.
They were so helpful in getting setup. My mom pretty much organized my entire kitchen!!
She is amazing with attention to detail… and super smart about functionality!
AND she washed and got my laundry room/linen closet set up.
These might not sound like big deals but they are HUGE for me
when it takes me forever to do anything with four kids.
I feel SO SLOW….lol. I told her tonight on the phone I feel like all I’m capable of doing right now,
with the kids’ ages, is just to keep them alive and not fighting with each other at all moments.
Trying to be patient with myself and REALISTIC as we get settled in.
OH did I mention that my mom also sewed on the girls’
uniform patches and hemmed one of them?! yes. she’s a saint.
My dad was an expert Asher wrangler and saved me many times with coffee runs and Micah duty.
My parents left today to head home and we all had a “crying moment” as sophia called it.
We are choosing to see the things we have to be thankful for and how it’s only a drive away to see each other.
I’m lucky to have parents who look at life with eyes of faith and with eternity in mind.
They cheer you on and encourage you.. they see the need and power of ministry.
How it is good for our church and how it can bless our own family.
There is suffering and sadness with this move…
I won’t say choosing ministry is easy…
but we all feel this is where God was calling us.
It’s amazing seeing a parish that sees the value of youth ministry.
There were moments it felt like God was just putting up a big ol’ blinking light
sign saying, “COME HERE ALREADY!! I have amazing things in store for you!
Stop looking at your own plan and say yes to mine! I have things for you to do here!”

Asher crawled over and got snuggy in Grandma’s suitcase.
He wanted to go home with her. IMG_9271

First week of settling in has been exhausting but so amazing.
Meals…uniforms…cookies… wine… warm greetings…
So much kindness towards our family.
I need to start writing thank you cards and baking thank you cookies!!
We’ve been welcomed and blessed by so many and have seen this adventure start off with beautiful moments.
The girls’ first day of school was one of those great moments .
Can’t wait to share photos of their day… cuteness overload!
They have AMAZING teachers and the school itself is just… awesome.
I feel like we are exactly where we are supposed to be…and that is a good feeling.
That doesn’t really take away the overwhelming and new new feeling of it all…
but we are jumping in with both feet!

I can’t wait to share a semi-moved-in home tour very soon!
The house we found is just a little sanctuary that I can’t wait to share it with you guys.
I’m wanting to do more videos of just random daily life.
I know a lot of people start vlogging to share their life with family far away…
and that’s a great fit for us right now. :) (My family knows I will for sure keep them updated on life here!)
So if you enjoy getting tours of semi messy houses and tagging
a long for random mom life moments… check in again soon!