Sick Babies.

September 20, 2012

Rough day in our house today.
Got a text from the husband while I was at the doctor’s office for baby check up..
“sophie just threw up everywhere”
came home..she threw up a few more times..
All she wanted to do was snuggle up on the couch.

Sienna then says “I feel sick”…
I thought she was pretending to be like her sister.
I was wrong.
I caught most of it on me the first time..
not so lucky the time after that.

I’ve changed my clothes 5 times today.
showered twice.
then gave up on not smelling like throw up till they feel better.
New strategy..wear a towel at all times.

Please say some prayers that my girls get through this little bug quickly..
It’s so sad seeing your kids sick.
Both girls have woken up to throw up..
so ben and I are each taking on one to sleep with.. 
I’m going to look AWESOMELY refreshed and rested tomorrow morning… ;)
On the bright side…..I love the snuggles from my sweet sickies.
We usually have healthy kids. so when they do get sick..
It makes me so thankful for their overall health.

We can do this…….we can do this…… :)
goodnight all.

  • Kim
    September 20, 2012 at 11:58 pm

    Haven’t stopped to comment yet, but have been reading your lovely blog for a little while now. Had to say though, many prayers going out to your beautiful little girls! Hope this passes quickly! Nothing worse than seeing your babies sick :( blessings to your darling family xx

  • Ashley
    September 21, 2012 at 7:55 am

    We JUST went through this in our house too! Each boy took a turn and it just broke my Mamma heart to see them so pathetic. Prayers for you guys that you’ll be restored to good health soon!

  • Natalie Rush
    September 21, 2012 at 1:11 pm

    Ugh! Hope they feel better soon! The worst was when my daughter was sick like that. She usually is NON STOP so seeing her only want to cuddle broke my heart!

    Hang in there and hope you don’t get it!!

  • Lizzie
    September 21, 2012 at 3:16 pm

    Oh noo! :( It’s so sad seeing your babies sick. Hope they feel better soon!!

  • Christy
    September 27, 2012 at 3:09 pm

    Sickies are never fun to deal with:( Hope that bug leaves asap.