The Reality of Taking Photos of Sisters

May 22, 2013

they are fickle little things!
I’m sure the same thing goes for brothers...
but based off of my experience,
I’m focusing on the little ladies in this post.

One minute they love each other… singing Jesus songs and doing ballerina twirls.
The next minute they are ready to body slam each other
with a very high pitch warrior scream.
I’m scared. for myself and the one getting attacked.
Taking them out in public is always fun and exciting…
(Sophie: 4 Sienna: 2… birthdays in august)

Because of my little ones fickle attitudes about each other during this period of their life..
Photos are a bit tricky to get the first time around.
And because I get lots of comments on Instagram and Facebook
implying how much my girls love each other and how good they are…
I thought it was time to put this out there for the world to see.
They are stinkers. cute-adorable-love each other-then heaven
forbid you take their purple crayon-arm pincher-stinkers.
Pretty sure they aren’t the first of their kind.
I’m so glad they have each other though…
Because they are helping each other learn to love more!
learning to share and be patient… learning to roll into a ball for protection.
jk. on that last one but I’m sure that’ll came later.
The day I took these photos at target I laughed out loud as I looked through my photo feed.
A delirious, how am I going to ever survive, laugh.
It seriously sums it up right now.
I wasn’t laughing DURING this moment…I wanted to pull my hair out because they were acting like I was torturing them making them eat an icee.
As moms, we know you have to take a few MILLION photos to get a good one.
And even though I probably won’t frame all the bad ones…
I love my little stinkers. even when they drive me bonkers.

  • Lauren
    May 26, 2013 at 2:41 pm

    Dear Natalie, I am so glad I am not the only mom out there with kids who share a love/hate relationship. I have a boy and a girl who are 17 months apart. They are each others best friends and worst enemies. They cannot bear to be apart, love each other to death and yes, just like you, I occasionally fear for their life, especially when the sound effects are added.They bring me so much joy and often bring me to tears. We are truly blessed to be mom’s