Colicky Baby: What We Used to Survive Those First Months

April 17, 2018

The first few months with Hunter were intense.
Around 2 weeks he came out of those sleepy newborn days and it was like
WOW I don’t remember it being like this.
He had colic and was the complete opposite of all of our other babies.
I felt like a horrible mom because I couldn’t soothe him.
I already had the hormones raging and then to add that struggle, I would just hold him close and cry.
I took him to the pediatrician, specialists, chiropractors, tried all the things.
I tried to publicly act like it wasn’t that bad and I don’t even really know why??
I guess I didn’t want to complain… here’s a sweet baby we prayed for and loved so deeply…
we should just take the bad with the good. and he was mine, I had to work through it!
But I was wrong.
I realized that I could say life was hard and still love my life.
Because that’s exactly where I was.
Madly in love with my life and family and yet struggling to keep it all a float those first months.
When he was around 4 months?? I slept 2 hours straight and it was amazing.
Even if Ben was there to take the baby I had horrible anxiety that any second the baby would cry and need me.
I honestly thought I was going to lose maaa mind. haha. (I can laugh now. ;)
BUT… he’s 5 months and he feels like a NEW BABY.
(This felt like the best way to spend my time that day. no regrets. haha.)

So this post is for all my mamas out there who might be deep in those sleepless and overwhelming days.
He is still a challenge compared to my others.
But I’ve learned that all babies are different and to be grateful for how far we’ve come!
I want to share some concrete things that we used or did to help get through those hard months.
I want to share the things he liked, maybe your little sweetie will like them too!
Talk to your doctor and let him know what’s going on too – They are in your corner!
If I can help just one of you get a little moment of peace or encouragement that you aren’t alone in this…
this is for you!
(Hunter does the cutest sad face. the lip pucker? I can’t. lol.)

This was the first thing that we finally found results with.
It worked within 10 minutes and although it didn’t last the whole day…
it gave me some moments where it was “easier” and I was able to take a breath.
He almost always relaxed and ended up falling asleep. Even if it was on me… I’ll take it!
It was EVERYTHING. You might have seen it all over my insta stories haha because I was so in grateful.

2. Nursing/Formula
Although Hunter is massive haha, he isn’t my best nurser.
He chucked up just with nursing….but during the day, he wasn’t the babe that wanted to snuggle up nurse to sleep.
He would usually go to town when I nursed him at night.
I felt like he wasn’t wanting to fall asleep because he was still hungry or just didn’t have a full tummy.
So we started offering him formula to see if he liked it.
We tried various formulas and bottles and ended up finding an option that did the trick!
The Enfamil pre-made newborn bottles were the only ones he would take at first…
I think he liked the smaller nipple and he liked that he could look around
and see everything going on while we gave it to him.
He started taking LONG naps during the day!! It was magic!
Once he got used to the bottle and formula we transitioned over to the Dr. brown bottles (only ones he likes)
and use the same Enfamil Gentlease formula just in the powder.
He nurses and takes bottle throughout the day – we don’t overthink it.
Sometimes I nurse.. sometimes we give him the bottle.
I have seen my supply lessen but always have enough to make him happy…
He’ll nurse to sleep now more than he did before.
which makes me think my flow was just too fast for him.
BEN can give him a bottle and put him to bed and MAMAS… that….
just knowing he can do that… has helped my anxiety so much.
Knowing that I have someone who can help me take care of the baby in that department has been huge.
And a happy mama is better for everyone.
I get A LOT of Direct messages via instagram about this topic…
moms trying to figure out what to do and what works for us…
please message me if you have any questions or if you just need someone to help talk it all through.
Fed is best! I love nursing.. nursed all my babies. And I still nurse Hunter…
but I am so happy with where we are today. with his happiness and mine!

I used to use a soft wrap for my babies… But Hunter was not a fan.
I ended up buying this one and it was a game changer. I wore him A LOT.
Not going to say it was “easier” but I would choose to wear him ALL DAY over having him cry all day.
I think he liked the pressure and being upright. He would just flail his body so much otherwise, even for Ben.
It was the only way to hold him. Sometimes he would still cry and wearing a crying baby is HORRIBLE lol.
BUT I would just take him out and be thankful for those moments where he wasn’t crying!
Once he hit 4 months he flipped this switch like he was ok being held like a normal baby haha.
He didn’t need us to be bouncing him around or patting his back or shushing.
It was shocking to us who had lived through so many days of it.
I remember Ben and I were laughing – delirious laughing (you know what that looks like parents… lol.)
“look at you! you’re sitting down and holding him?? and we are talking?!”
“this is crazy!!”

4. Dreft Baby Detergent.
I have used this detergent with all of my babies and it really helped calm my nerves this time around.
Hunter was my only baby out of the five that really was hard to soothe.
In those hard moments I would snuggle him up and smell
that newborn draft smell and it would take me
back to easier days where I felt more confident in my motherhood.
I believe in the power of smell! I use their scent boosters regularly too.
(I know a lot of girls use them on blankets? yesss!)

I know some people feel very strongly about what detergent they use for babies…
but this has been our go-to throughout my entire motherhood and we love it.

My friend shared using this with her baby and I bought it off amazon within minutes.
MINUTES of seeing it. haha.
I just knew that that was something I needed to try.
Hunter wanted to be upright and see the action. My babies are way too chunky for the bumbo.
This was HUGE for him. It helped change his mood… he felt secure and safe but upright.
He wasn’t strapped in a carseat or in his laid back swing… he wanted to be right in the action and this gave him that.
I started putting him in it around 3 months?? But I think as long as your baby has good head control it works.
LOVE THIS. I think I’ll buy this for every baby shower I go to from here on out.

Guys… Hunter is napping in his crib while I write this. He has started taking multiple naps a day in the crib.
I think a big part of it is adding in the formula…and the fact he can roll over. He gets comfy and falls asleep on his own.
I don’t want to EVER take these moments for granted. I am drinking a cup of coffee that I did NOT reheat. ?!?!?! lol.
This feels like craziness. and I’m so so grateful for just these moments to share
with you guys and see him snoozing away via my video monitor.
Thinking you are the only one who has a hard time postpartum is a thing –
Whether you have a colic baby or just a “fussy” baby… you need to know that you aren’t alone.
And I can say this because I was like this too…..
Looking at everyone else’s posts and shares and seeing the highlights
and thinking wow they are doing amazing with their newborn!
I must just be a bad mom or I just have the hard baby.
But you aren’t alone. There are SO MANY moms experiencing the same thing and you don’t need to feel alone in this.
YES, there are moms who might not be struggling with a baby that’s up all night or crying constantly…
but you don’t know what else they are going through. And you don’t need to worry about anyone else…
we have enough on our plate and minds… push aside any comparison and personal criticism!
My babies stay in pajamas until they can walk. It’s just a fact.

There are plenty of us in the trenches of those crazy days/nights…
it’s a real thing what you are feeling. overwhelmed and burnt out.
But you are stronger than you think and you should consider if there is something bigger going on with you too.
You can read my last post– on my Postpartum experience and see if you might be going through that as well.
Good first step, is realizing what could be going on and asking for help. Saying it’s hard doesn’t make you a bad mom.

If you want to check out more of my favorite baby items…
here’s a list I made a while back of things we are loving:
My 10 Favorite Baby Items.

Hunter is still way harder than the other kids… but he’s turned a corner and I’m grateful for that.
It’s important to stop and look back and see where you used to be…
it will help you be grateful and push through.
YOU will get through these hard days. I PROMISE.
You are a warrior mama!
Cry if it’s hard.
Hug that sweet baby.
Offer those sleepless nights and tears for someone or something.
You can do this!

  • Stephanie
    April 17, 2018 at 4:02 pm

    I think your experience will be reassuring for first-time parents with colicky babies. Just knowing it is not their fault! You have 5, so you know something is different about him, but first time parents are always second-guessing themselves. Thank you for sharing your experience!

  • Sarah Hosking
    April 23, 2018 at 10:11 pm

    No truer words spoken then fed is best and we should stop shaming mums for using formula. Each baby is different, and at the end of the day if all are loved and fed that’s all that matters!
    Keep sharing, keep being honest. It’s so important that everyone knows that it’s OK to cry and ask for help.
    I feel ya mumma! You’re amazing you got this 😁👊