VLOG -Keeping it Real: Me on A Typical “Mommy Day”.

May 5, 2011

Last night I was making silly faces with my daughter into our Photo Booth…
and I decided to put this video together to share. 
A typical “mommy day” look….GLAM! 
“mommy day” definition: playing/cleaning around the house..
just trying to survive till naptime/bedtime…
ps. prepare yourself for sophia’s “pretty face”….it’s ADORABLE.
(i had to tell her to do that because she kept doing the “maggie face”……
which is mimicking gramma’s dog who has an under bite…not the best look.)

Song – The Good Life, by One Republic (LOVE this song right now.)
White Shirt- Target. 
(LOVE this shirt..it is double layered in the front so perfect for 
the days you are feeling ab-less and want to be smoothed out!)
Black Yoga Pants- Target.

  • Christy
    May 5, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    Such a sweet VLOG. You look oh so fabulous even in your stay at home momma attire. Natural beauty!!

  • kelsey
    May 5, 2011 at 3:39 pm

    Natalie! You are so beautiful and Sophie puts a BIG smile on my face :)

  • Maggie
    May 5, 2011 at 8:55 pm

    Natalie, I empathize completely with the feeling a desire to bring in money from a job, but needing time also to soak up the joy of little girls smiles, laughter and assorted craziness and catch up on rest in the evenings too. I hope that your heart is always replenished with love and peace. When I am in need of a place to remind me of the cute and forget about the crankiness of little girls your blog is a pleasant respite and I thank you for that gift. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Natalia
    May 6, 2011 at 1:05 am

    What a fun video. Thanks for sharing :)

  • AliLilly
    May 6, 2011 at 1:53 am

    So so sooooo cute!! You both look BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Can I tell you the other day in “mommy look” I had the maintenance guy over and I had TOTALLY forgot what I looked like till I walked past the mirror. I have kitty cat pj pants on rolled up to my knees (moping), a old 80’s motley crue tshirt and only the front half of my hair in a ponytail on TOP of my head to keep my hair out of my eyes! I look like this often so I totally forget!!! Poor guy!! :/

  • Life at the White House
    May 6, 2011 at 11:10 am

    So cute – love all of her fun faces!!! Life IS good, isn’t it!? :)