VLOG- Reflections on My Cute Wild Things

March 2, 2012

I remember the days our girls would sit in
the car seat….not move… just coo a little..
we could eat out..we could eat IN and actually eat sitting down…
I could sit and nurse a baby and watch an entire show on tv that was not animated…
some days I wish that was the case again…that things could calm down for a minute..
but mostttt days I’m loving the fun of these wild girls.
They love life… except right after nap time..
besides that..they love life. :)
They teach me patience..and to laugh..and to enjoy silly moments.
Today we were doing ballet in the car..it was hilarious.
mainly because sophia does this “angelic looking to heaven face” when she dances ballet..not sure where she got that but it’s SO FUNNY…she had sienna mimicking her.
the people in the traffic next to me probably thought we were odd but it was great..
I was laughing so hard..and so was sophia.

So even though some days are exhausting….
every day is full of blessings and memories I never want to forget.
I also realize that the days I thought were “hard”.. weren’t barely as hard as things could be.
I have happy healthy ACTIVE children…and I should thank God everyday for that.
This is my pep talk for those hard moments. thanks for joining in. ;)

I would have more photos of sophia..
but she is anti photos right now. sienna is the opposite.
If I pull out my phone to check an e-mail she goes “cheeseeee” and poses.. ;)
These videos I took of them below make me laugh out loud. so funny.

Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  • More Than Mommies
    March 2, 2012 at 10:40 am

    Two of my girls were looking over my shoulder while we watched the videos and they were laughing and giggling along. SO adorable!

    We are hosting a carnival today over at More than Mommies…well, TRYING to host a carnival! Best Day Ever (this week) come on over and link up! :) Christine @morethanmommies.net


  • Anonymous
    March 2, 2012 at 12:37 pm

    Thanks for this post. It makes me realize I’m not alone in the craziness of being home with active kids. It is overwhelming at times and always loud but I’m trying to embrace it and remember how fast they are growing. We have 3 kids, 3 years and under, so needless to say we have to limit our outings to parks etc. I miss the days of shopping with a baby sleeping in the stroller! Now I have to choose 1 or maybe 2 to take and rush through the store armed with snacks, praying for a short check out line.
    I love reading your blog! Thanks again for sharing.
    Lesley (from Vancouver BC, Canada)

  • Christy
    March 2, 2012 at 2:53 pm

    Seriously your girlies are so stinkin’ cute! My goodness, the videos are ones to treasure forever.

  • Natalia
    March 3, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    Great reminder on a day like today when I’m just trying to get laundry done and have a little grunting 6 mo. old wanting nothing more than my undivided attention.