Blogging with Community- How to Start A Blog + Find Your People

March 16, 2018

Having my blog has been such a fun creative outlet for me and something
that has blessed our family in ways I never pictured!
Some of my best friends have come through my blog and social media!
Have you ever wondered how to start a blog and how to find your blogging people?
Friends who get your excitement about blogging and see it’s potential?
Today I want to share 3 ways to connect with
other bloggers and spark those friendships!!

UPDATE: The course group is now closed!
Because of the demand, I’m not able to keep up with the growing group…
but I am so grateful for the friendships that I’ve made through the course facebook group!
Reach out to me any time through email and Social.
I would love to connect with you!

(You are still able to access the course content!!!)

I have loved sharing tips and tutorials in helping other mamas start their own blogs.
Sometimes you just need someone in your corner helping you get it going!
But I also have loved creating a Community where other bloggers, new or years into it, can find their people!
Community is HUGE with blogging. And you do not have to try and figure it all out on your own.

1. Join my Blogging Course + Community
This is my number 1 way to start your blog and find your people because of how EASY it is!
I love seeing the girls collaborating together and sharing each other.
You can join in as we all grow and learn together! When you take the Course you’ll gain access to the
Private Facebook Group where I offer LIVE Video chats to answer
any questions and to chat all things blogging!
Get support on your Blog +Social Media! Connect with the girls and join follow-fridays on Instagram!
We have SHARE DAYS in our Facebook Group where we link up
and then engage on each other’s blog posts and social media shares!

I recently updated and relaunched my Blogging Course and have
been blown away with the women joining us!
When I started blogging, I really didn’t have anyone helping me besides
the good ol’ google search, figuring out how to do stuff. haha.
I see these girls in our course community – learning through my online content and
launching their blog… but then working on projects and collaborations together!
I love that we have each other to encourage and connect. The women rally around each other.
Through our live chats in the Facebook Group I’m able to help the girls, in real time, with current
things they are wanting to work on or are struggling with.

2. Build Friendships via Social Media
A great way to find those blogging friendships is to search them out online…
look up hashtags that are similar to your blog niche or passions and then check out
the accounts who use them! Don’t be a crazy stalker haha but
social media is about connecting and people are online.. to be found!
So why not reach out, build some sort of friendship and see if they want to do a collaboration.
If you are wanting to get them to notice you more– try turning on their post notifications
so you can be one of the first to like and comment.
People like to be liked – and if you genuinely want to team up or not
miss any of their fun posts…turn on those notifications! Do things for people without asking anything in return.
Share those accounts you love to follow.. maybe in an insta story post or a blog post on favorite bloggers!
Tag them and they will notice..they’ll be interested to see what you are all about…
and who knows what will happen from there! Just like any real life friendships..sometimes you need to just plant the seeds. :)

3. Attend a Blog Conference or Event
OK..I know this can be a tricky one because 1. it costs money to go.. and 2. it can be scary…
BUT it can be an amazing way to find and create lasting friendships with other bloggers.
I went to many events over my years of blogging…
and I remember my first one being intimidating but I’m so glad I took that plunge!
I ended up meeting one of my dear blog friends, Mandy from House of Rose.
She’s a blessing and even though we are miles a part…
and can’t always meet up in person these days…When we do get together it’s like no time has gone by.
The general rule of attending conferences is that you will get out of it what you put into it!
So don’t go thinking you can just show up and find friends. haha.
You need to be brave and start up those conversations… introduce yourself to people…
ask people questions about their own blogs and get a conversation going!
Something to keep in mind is that most of the girls going…are wanting the same thing as you.
So remembering that can help push any fear aside.
I remember one year I went to a Blog conference and even though I
knew a couple people in real life…I was really going on my own.
I gave myself a pep talk and asked to sit down at a table where I didn’t know anyone…
and met some amazing women! It was the best experience!
Maybe we will meet one day at a Conference–
Be able to grab coffee and chat and dream about our blogs together!
I’m going to a conference (Rise in LA- not only for bloggers) in April and I’m SO EXCITED.
You never know what friendships can come out of it…
and the personal take aways you can get from these events.
{This photo is from a Moms’ Night Out Event that I put on a couple years ago. SO FUN!
Whether you are a blogger or not…
sometimes you just wish for some good mama friends in your life.}

Maybe you aren’t sure if you can really pull off this whole start a blog thing…
Read my post How To Start Your Blog in 15 Minutes and you will realize just how capable of this you are!
The Steps in that post are FREE advice – I want you to do well!
But because I want you to do well I know that you
might want a little more help as you start.
And that’s where my Blog Course and Community comes in!

I have to rave about some girls in my course and introduce you to some of the sweet ladies!
I LOVE how creative and fun these girls are.
They take what they are passionate about and share their hearts with others.
They are encouragers, teachers, and inspire me!
I’m so glad I was able to connect with them through my Blogging Course.
One of the best parts of blogging is the friendships you can make…
and how you can learn and grow from one another.

Danielle of
Molly of
Mary Beth of
Keri of
Randi B. of How2playToday

Maybe you’ve been putting off starting your blog because you don’t feel like you have enough time to do it,
but girl, today… during nap time…
you can mark this off your list and be one step closer to your Blog Goals!
Check out this post: How To Start Your Blog in 15 Minutes

Maybe you’ve been putting it off because you feel like you just can’t take it on on your own…
We are here for you if you are wanting a built in community when you start!
Join us!