Colicky Baby – My Favorite Detergent Helped!

May 21, 2018

Hunter is our fifth baby and for some reason I just thought that he would be like all of our other babies!
So far we had happy babies and I could easily soothe them.

How do I summarize having a colicky baby?
Well, it was as if Hunter decided that he needed, for the first 5 months of life, to work
through his feelings of being outside the womb.
He was NOT a fan. Haha. He was my most challenging baby yet.
Today I wanted to share something that helped me
feel connected to him and helpedĀ calm my own nerves during those rough months.
I used Dreft baby detergent with all of our babies.

I believe in the power of smell! So the days that were extra hard,
with a fussy baby, I remember finding myself just snuggling up and
smelling Hunter because it reminded me of those easier newborn days before.
It took me back! I remembered how confident I was in my motherhood then.
When I felt like I was actually doing something right. Honestly, I realized the
scent of my favorite detergent for babies was all part of the mental process for me….

to help me realize that I could do this again! That I had this!

Want to read more about my postpartum experience this time around?
Here’s some of my other posts on the topic:
Colicky Baby: What we used to survive those first months
My Postpartum Experience

Now that Hunter is almost 6 months, heā€™s like a new baby!

It still blows our minds how much more content and happy he is. So thankful for that!
Iā€™m still using Dreft and I love how it has become a scent of my motherhood for me!
No matter if the baby is fussy or happy, itā€™s a scent that reminds me of those tiny newborn baby days.
My babies donā€™t stay tiny for long – they are massive. Haha.

BUT, we all know that these days go by too quickly. Itā€™s the crazy thing about motherhood — you feel
like the days last forever and then you blink and suddenly they are turning 9 years old, practically off to college!!
Sophia is my 9 year old, and when I smell the clothes we washed with Dreft it takes me back
to when she was a tiny little thing in her all pink wardrobe. I remember how with every baby, I knew it
was almost due date time when I would put in that first load of baby clothes with Dreft.
The kitchen table covered withĀ 
tiny clothes to fold and put away.
These memories last forever!

And soon weā€™ll all be sleeping… not like babies… but like our husbands! ;)

Iā€™ve raved about Dreft for years on here — itā€™s one of my favorite things and I know itā€™s the same for a lot of you!
I feel like scented products for baby have gotten a bad rep, but not all the hype is true!
Dreft products are hypoallergenic and gentle on babyā€™s sensitive skin.

Itā€™s the #1 Dermatologist recommended detergent for baby clothes.
A couple years ago I shared the Dreft Scent boosters with a friend,
(you can put it in every load to get that amazing scent!!!)
and now itā€™s turned into the productĀ 
she brings to the Favorite Things Christmas party
she does with her local girlfriends! You have to try it!
Is Dreft the scent of babyhood and your motherhood too?

Thank you to Dreft for sponsoring todayā€™s post.

As always, thoughts are my own, and I love sharing things I think youā€™ll love too!