Back to School & How We Bless our Teachers All Year!

August 28, 2018

The kids started school back up and are rocking it!
I wanted to share about their first week at their new Public School
and also show you what I created for their teachers.
We made up a fun Candy Tackle Box Teacher gift for the first day and
also a Teacher SurveyĀ so we could get to know them a little more!
I’m a gift giver, but honestly, love having a little direction.
Now we have the full scoop!

Sophia is in 4th, Sienna is in 3rd and Micah man is in Kindergarten.
We are so excited about the school they are attending this year!
I’m proud of my big kids and how they are diving into their new school.
I’m not gonna lie… I was stressed out about it. and I know they were too.
I think just knowing that this is the state we are wanting to end up in and plant roots..
has helped calm some nerves.
But there’s still a lot of NEWness going on.

I know a new school is a big deal – and their old school was one of the hardest things to leave – loved it!
But now we are back near family and the school is close to our house.
The set up and rating and faculty are amazing. I’ve been so impressed.
You pray for your child’s teacher, hoping that it’s someone they will connect with,
be inspired by and make learning fun for them…
and so far I’m feeling so lucky about who we have this year.
Sophia, Sienna and Micah are such kind, fun and brave little leaders.
I can’t wait to see them bloom even more this year into their own little people!
Growing in confidence, knowledge and kindness!

Ben with his mini me. ;)

So far, Sophia has been blowing us away with how much she loves her new school.
She’s even trying out for Student Council! (Historian)
Honestly, it surprised me with how well she’s adjusted.Ā She’s my more anxious girl.
I feel like she’s really growing in that area and it makes my heart happy.
I want her to realize how capable and amazing she is.
We tell them this all the time but it feels so good when
they do things that make you see they GET IT!
They believe in themselves! Who wouldn’t feel awesome about life with a sloth on your leggings?
Life is good.
Sophia LOVES packing lunch.
She would pack all three lunches if the other kids would let her. ;)
One of these days I’ll blog our set up for lunch packing and the snack cart!
I haven’t made a single lunch so far— and it’s amazing.

Micah strolled right into his Kindergarten class ready to learn and make friends!
No looking back. haha.
He loves school – although he comes home like a tired wild starving animal.
Don’t make eye contact…just chuck a snack at him and walk away slowly.
Or hug. hugs usually help cranky pants. haha.
I only expect to get a rundown on snack time when he gets home…
but sometimes he blows me away with his little stories from the day
and I love hearing about his play time and lessons and all the fun activities he did.

Sienna is ALL about her backpack and school gear and loves getting her stuff all set up for the next day.
She has teared up a lot of mornings – which is SO HARD.
She misses her old friends and what she was used too.
But luckily, her teacher and the other schoolĀ staff are so great at scooping
them up and helping kids find friends and get comfortable at a new school.
She comes home every day saying it wasn’t bad at all and shares fun moments she had –
so I’m thinking she just needs a little more time to adjust. Fingers crossed we have no
more tears because I want to cry if she cries! gah! I’ve thrown out all the briberies.
Today’s was nail salon on Friday if we can get through the week with a brave face.
I’m not sure this is the best parenting advice.. so maybe skip that sentence. lol.
I have both the kid who loves school and the kid who isn’t currently a fan…
so… for those of you with one or the other, I feel you. We got this!

These are my two sidekicks while the big kids are at school.
It’s hard to get much done with this cuteness around.
I try to strategically get both boys to nap at the same time and then
that is my go-time to mark some things off the list.
Hunter is starting to crawl and Asher and I both look at each other
and throw our hands in the air shocked every time.
It’s become our new thing and it makes me laugh so hard.
It’s better to laugh than to cry…which is what I did yesterday when he crawled.
haha. I can’t handle it! How are we here already?
These two started to wrestle like little puppy dogs and it’s the cutest thing.
Although I can see my future in these moments…
and know it will only get amped up in the crazy department. Help me. lol.

I wanted to share the fun we are doing for our teachers this year!
One thing that helps my kids feel connected and excited about school– is loving on their teachers!
Whether with drawings or little crafts they make them… or if I help them with a fun themed gift.
We love it all. Ā This year I’m going all in and I created a little survey for the Teachers to fill out.
This way, I can know a little bit more about them and what they like.
I’ll be creating and sharing printables to go a long with the things they answered!
My kids thought it was soĀ fun to give their teachers the Teacher Survey!
Time for them to do some HW. ;)
It’s been amazing seeing so many of you guys grab my printable or create your own with this idea.
Join me in loving on the people who love on our kids all year long!

When they came home with their paper all filled out they were all smiles as we read it out loud and giggled!
I’m a gift giver, but honestly, love a little direction when it comes to what they like.
So now we have the full scoop and can bless our teachers all year long!

I’m having a big sale in my Etsy Shop right now – All printables are on sale!
No code needed! Ā Sale ends Friday.
*I also have a non Target version included in the download.Ā it just says,
“What is your Favorite Store?”
Ā instead of, “What is your Favorite aisle in Target?”*

I hope you try out my Teacher Survey!
It’s an immediate download/yours forever/print as many as you want – printable!
Have fun gifting!

Earlier this week I shared about our
back to school present we gave each teacher!
Candy Tackle Box Teacher Gift.
They were a hit and so fun to make!

  • Paige Cassandra Flamm
    August 28, 2018 at 9:57 am

    This is such a fun and cute idea! I totally want to do this for my kid’s teachers!


  • Linda
    August 29, 2018 at 7:00 pm

    Natalie, a blogpost about packing lunch amd snack cart sounds amazing!! Please do it! Also, my son just started kindergarten and I also have to feed him as soon as we get home because OMG he is a cranky pants after all those hours away and eating very little at snack and lunch! Loving all your back to school posts!