10 Simple Things to Reduce Stress as Moms

February 4, 2019

Here are 10 simple things that help me reduce stress during my busy mom days!
For months I was running myself ragged trying to juggle all the things.
I was having major anxiety over what I didn’t get to and how I felt I was bombing out as a mom.
I would wake up already feeling like it was impossible.
But ladies…I didn’t want to live my whole motherhood stressing out!!
Over time I’ve put some things in place to help reduce the stress- simple EASY things.
And I want to share all of them with you today.
I couldn’t do an overhaul on my life or hire all the help.
But I didn’t want to miss out on the extra special parts of motherhood because I let
stress steal my joy or I was too focused on the daunting task of motherhood to enjoy it.
If you’re like me, and in the thick of mom days…..
the days you desperately don’t want to give up!!!……..
But that you also can feel completely overwhelmed with…
And I hope this list helps you. Or you at least see that you aren’t the only one on the struggle bus.
There are 10 simple things I’ve been doing to make my days less stressful.
There’s power in the small choices we make.
They equal up to big changes in how we can live day to day!

I have found myself repeating some positive words in my head as I start my day…
so I decided to give myself a visual reminder!
This is a simple print out I just typed and hung in my laundry room.
Where I go regularly throughout the day (not to hide!…well…not always…haha.)
Stack up the happy feelings surrounding a task you don’t enjoy or you have to regularly do.
For me- laundry. I’m a 2-3 load kinda girl right now. Not by choice haha.
Every time I think I’m caught up on laundry someone has to wet the bed…
or get sick… or eat chocolate laying down on the white throw pillows. gah!
You can download this same one and frame it, tape it..OR write up your own words from your heart.
(right click and save)
This space in my Laundry room actually has a lot of meaning for me… and a great place to start this post with!
As a mom…I have days where I’m feeling either overwhelmed or stuck or trapped or anxious.
We are doing hard work. important work. BUT you don’t want to just throw your hands
up and say yep, I’m officially going to be a hot mess for many years.
I wanted to set up a home base of positive words and reminders.
I have the framed words I can repeat to myself when I need to remind myself of a few basic facts. ;)
I framed a photo of my kids that reminds me of my blessings and how much I FREAKING LOVE THEM.
I have a photo of my kids that just makes me smile. That belly on Asher makes me laugh every time.
Throw up something that immediately gives you a giggle!
And then I want to remember where this whole sweet family all started. My man.
If we aren’t connected and good.. then it’s really just a crap show around here! Ya feel me?
Sometimes it’s hard to remember those early lovebird days where you slept whenever you wanted…
But I adore this photo of us that’s been in this little frame since we were first married.
I found a recent photo to fill the bottom slot just so I could see how much the same we are.
We still have each other. Even if we are sleep deprived and I’m doing my fifth load of laundry.
OK. moving on!

They can trigger flashbacks to special memories or make you
remember your horrible morning sickness and feel queasy. (Legit can’t drink or smell gingerale or I will lose ma mind.)
There’s two main smells I want to touch on— I always light a candle. It’s become part of my morning routine.
I usually keep it going until Hunter’s nap time at 9.
It just makes me feel good! FIND A SCENT YOU LOVE.
I am the wierdo smelling all the candles at the store.
I get the kids in on it too.
I’m currently lighting on repeat the Blushing Amber from Target.
Next up for smells- soap! I wash my hands a lot during the day…
and using a soap that smells GOOD is a great way to get a little boost.
I still remember the smell of the soap my 1st grade classroom used. It takes me back to being a kid!
I love using foam soaps in our house…because it’s easier for the kids to
get some good bubbles without using ALL THE SOAP. haha.
There’s a couple brands at Target but I am loving the scents from method.

Side note: This is the bathroom where I get ready in the am!
I set up that little tiered tray with my go-to things and it just makes me happy!
The girls also get ready in here sometimes (we have a main floor bathroom and an upstairs bathroom!)
I love having the Today is a Good Day sign….and the fun
little “you rock” rock for them to see when they wake up! (Both from Michaels.- even the container!)
I also love to spray myself with my perfume from Old Navy.
I go through different perfumes but right now I LOVE it…and even if I’m
not leaving the house that day- a little spritz makes me feel pretty. ;)

Music can change your mood in an instant!! It’s also my way to pray
throughout the day or keep my eye on the prize.
I can’t do slow worship music…I end up crying. haha.
BUT during my day I love to listen to upbeat worship music. Or in the car I listen to worship music.
I really want to get better about a set time to pray. But right now that only happens at bed
(and if we’re being honest… it’s kind of short and I need to do better.)
But having the lyrics coming out of my mouth or in my head all day…
has been a great way to keep Jesus on my mind as I do my day to day tasks.
We also listen to a lot of Kidzbop because it feels “safe” with my kids.
(They repeat EVERYTHING.)
I have my own playlist I play when I’m working while the boys nap.
Upbeat popular songs that I MIGHT dance to while I type. hahaha.
You might be a mom but you still got some MOVES.
You know what I’m talking about girl…. lol.

With social media being part of my job…this one is TRICKY.
But with all jobs, it’s ok to turn it off! It’s needed!
And it took me a long time to be ok with stepping back.
It’s not consistent yet… but when I take a day off of social media I
move the app from my home screen so it stops
that muscle memory of checking it in a down moment.
(seriously!! it’s crazy how I would just hop on to answer DM’s without even thinking about it!)
I love holding myself accountable like that. We need days where we can unplug!
For some people…this is super easy and maybe something you already do!
But maybe you’re like me and just kind of let it melt into your day to day….
Give yourself a challenge to be social media free for a day.
You’ll be amazed at what you can get done! ha!

Sorry guys, didn’t even clean off the table for this photo! haha.
BUT you get the idea.. open the windows! It’s turned into this step I do every morning while I wait for the coffee.
I throw a load of laundry in…and I open the blinds!
It makes me not feel so “trapped”..which…I think most stay at home mamas know about.
You are grateful to be home with your kids and doing the sahm gig…
but sometimes the walls can feel like they are closing in on you!
Especially when you have a lot on your plate.
So just opening up those blinds for me is a way of saying HELLO WORLD! Let’s do this!

When you complete a task – it makes you happy!!
So set yourself up for success and choose an area that is small and attainable.
Example: Silverware Drawer, Mug Cabinet, Bathroom Drawers, Junk basket.
One little area that you can mark off your list. I know that when I have something organized it
puts me in a good mood… so organized and marked off the list?
Double happy points!

Read a book with your kid without reading it!!
Sometimes going into a situation with your child…
with no pressure for perfection… can make it way more FUN!
I have a wiggle work of a 3 year old, and I want to read to him but I
know sometimes he just wants to have mommy time and LAUGH. So instead of redirecting him
to sit still or quiet down so I can finish a page.. I just roll with it!
We points to colors on a page, we read the words,
we make the funny animal sounds, we search and find on the page.
Sometimes we even skip a page! The point isn’t to do the task perfectly.. but to do it and to enjoy it.
And slowing down with my kids and just being silly, can help my mood so much!
As long as we don’t lick the pages I’m all about it. haha. Try it!
THIS tip can be applied to any activity with your child…..
Just got into it for the fun and special time over actually completing the task or project!

It only took me having 4 out of the 5 kids sick with the flu this January to jump on this bandwagon!
I will never grocery shop again! haha. I do the Walmart grocery App but I know a lot of people
love Instacart where it delivers to your door. Officially a hermit! ;) I love being able to make my list on
the app because you can see your total and easily stay in your budget!
We are trying to do a budget of $25 per person/per week. So far so good!

No one likes a hangry mom! Sometimes when I feel the most cranky, I realize it’s
because I didn’t eat anything in a while and those crackers I
ate off Asher’s plate so they weren’t wasted…just weren’t cutting it!
What are your go-to snacks?
I love having salted peanuts and the peanut butter filled pretzels around!
Strawberries, apples and grapes are my go-to fruits.
I just have to be ready to share if my kids see me prep any of those. ;)
I also like having a stash of double stuffed Oreos if we’re being real. ;)

Fresh air will do you good! A nice stroll through the Target parking lot into Target.
haha. jk. OR AM I?
Sometimes when we need a redo or just to get some energy out…
we will go to a park near us that is EASY for kids AND Mom.
Meaning… no slides of death or corners I can’t see.
You moms know what I mean.. some parks ADD to the stress.
So find one that is set up for happy kids AND a happy mom.
We found one that is so fun and has a sidewalk for the stroller…
Hunter likes to cruise around while the big kids run! And we all know running kids…
usually leads to sleeping kids. And I’m all about easy bed times.

I hope these simple ideas are helpful to you as you navigate this crazy ride of motherhood!
Some seasons are harder than others. REALLY. really really.
So don’t give yourself a hard time… you might be in one of those crazy seasons.
No one has it all together all the time. I still have days where I feel
overwhelmed with raising five kids into good human beings and leaders and world changers…..
there’s still days I get anxious over the things I need to get done or how to keep this ship afloat…
But I don’t wake up with that same crushing stress I was experiencing for months.
AND I’ve found myself enjoying those, normally mundane, tasks of mom life.
Laundry! It’s a moment I can give myself a pep talk.
Watch me run in there to switch the load and repeat those words to me. ;)
I also just encourage you to give yourself some margin on what’s on your plate.
When we leave some room in our days…
it helps to slow down and really see those sweet motherhood moments for what they are!
I hope you give it a try and be intentional with applying some of these tasks!
When you help reduce the stress… you can enjoy life more!
Making these simple choices in my days…has really helped me in reducing the stress.
You got this mama! YOU’RE DOING GREAT!

  • Lisa Maloy
    February 4, 2019 at 8:25 pm

    Love this! I’ve already been implementing a couple of these into my day and they are so helpful as a SAHM. I love your idea of accomplishing one SMALL organization task a day!!! I sometimes get in over my head and then realize I have three kids under four and my project was too big haha. I’m also going to find a little space to fill with things that remind me of the big, important work I’m doing. Love it!!!

  • Jennifer Adams
    February 5, 2019 at 12:38 pm

    As a mom of a 9-year-old (at school all day) and a 5-year-old at home, I can’t say that I’m really in the ‘overwhelmed’ mode anymore, yet I still found this post to be inspiring and helpful. Stressed out or not, a lot of these tips are great for daily motivation and happiness. Thank you for the tips, my favorite is the candle suggestion. I too like to make the house feel ‘homey’ with scent :)

    I am totally intrigued by the $25 per person grocery budget – is that strictly food or does it include toiletries, paper goods and cleaning supplies as well? I’m always hunting for new budgeting tips and ideas, so any info would be welcome!

    Great post and have a wonderful day!

  • Heather
    February 5, 2019 at 2:43 pm

    This is such an awesome list! Such simple/do-able things….Thank you!