Affirmations for Moms Feeling Anxious:

August 29, 2023

Affirmations for moms feeling anxious:

I am strong, able, and calm.

I woke up this morning for a purpose.

I am proud of myself.

My heart is grateful.

I am patient and kind.

I choose to be happy today.

I choose to make others feel loved today.

I choose peace over anxiety.

I shared this over on Instagram with a reel. It’s too important a topic. I hope you know you’re not alone. That’s the first thing you need to know right there! You aren’t the ONE person who can’t handle whatever life is throwing at you- many people, if not most people, go through seasons like this. Some people are also just wired this way and you’re ok. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious- here’s some things that can help! There’s power in the small choices we make. They equal up to big changes in how we can live day to day!

  • Visual positive words: I like to have affirmations, like the ones above, up somewhere where I can see them and remind myself! Set your mind right! 
  • Pray. If you’re trying to take it all on yourself- you’re going to fail and OF COURSE feel overwhelmed. Lay all your worries at God’s feet! Pray for His peace and strength. You aren’t meant to carry your load alone.
  • Organize a small area- when you complete a task… it will make you happy! Set yourself up for success and choose an area that is small and attainable. Example: Silverware Drawer, Mug Cabinet, Bathroom Drawer, even just making your bed can help… One little area that you can mark off your list.
  • Smell and sound. Light the candles and turn up the music! 
  • Get Moving! Exercising reduces levels of the body’s stress hormones AND stimulates the production of endorphins! I’ve been doing workout videos via GrowWithJo on YouTube and I can’t say enough good things. “Fun” (lol) and easy to make happen. You’ll feel energized to tackle your day, feel satisfaction in accomplishing a task and get that natural mood boosting going for you! 
  • Community- reach out to friends! Even when you want to isolate, don’t! Get something on your calendar (and don’t cancel last minute.) It doesn’t have to be a block party- have it be easy like a Chick-fil-A date while your kids play. We need community, especially in seasons where you’re feeling stressed or anxious. Let people be there for you.

    If you are in the thick of overwhelming days – hang in there! I’ve been through seasons like that and you can get through it. I’m always available on Instagram if you want to check in with someone. @athomewithnatalie. You got this mama!