Mean Mommy

May 18, 2014

By saturday afternoon I had hit a wall.
IĀ had had one of those weeks thatĀ I was justĀ praying by 9 am that I would
be able to survive till lunch, let alone bed time.
We had throwing up kids.
We had nocturnal kids.
We had “You get to do whatever you want,
I wish I was a mommy so I could do whatever I wanted.”
I felt like I spent way too much of my time doing time outs,
walking back a runaway to time out… and repeating.
Lots of “No you cannot have cheese puffs it’s 8 in the morning”
“Don’t pinch your sister.”
“Indoor voices please!”
“do not sit on your brother”
“No, she didn’t have more snack than you.”
“no you cannot get a toy you are holding an icee, be grateful”
By saturday all the happy fun times of the week were overshadowed by the craziness and non stop negativity I felt! Being in charge is hard. Being a kid is hard.
We are very much into the “you’re a mean mommy” phase and I’m not loving it.
I needed to do something to shake off getting overwhelmed.
I came home from running a quick return errand and said let’s go to the farm!
I was getting too focused on the hard parts of being a mom!
We needed to spend some family time together and even though there were plenty of moments where I had to say “no” or “be nice”….
there were way more smiles… and I needed that!
I needed a boost of happy time and we got it.

“best…day..ever!” Ā – kids.
The happiness on their painted faces…was contagious.


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Anyone else in the same boat with getting worn down
with the discipline part of motherhood?
Hang in there mama…you aren’t alone… and it’s worth it.
These sweet babes are so worth it!
Go have some fun with your munchkins and soak them up!

Tonight when I tucked sophia into bed..she peeked out at me from her covers, tucked up around her face, and said, “Mom, I love your blog. I’m gonna dream about my blog.”
Sienna put on a dance show for us today and cracked up at how funny she was.
Of course she was wearing her bathing suit and holding a bag full of
curated treasures she picked from around the house.
Micah let me hold him like a baby tonight when I put him to bed…he giggled when I gave him eskimo kisses on his nose. And when I put him down in bed he grabbed his stuffed elephant and snuggled up with it.

Sometimes they can just drive me bonkers and I don’t know if I’m doing enough or doing it right, but then other times…it just all comes together and I’m given the grace to seeĀ that as long as I keep on being there for them, loving them, even when they don’t love how I do it…it’s going to be alright. I have to remember that they are a gift. That God gave them to me and that they are actually His. So soaking up this time with them and trying my best to be a good mommy for them…even when it’s hard!

Coming soon.. Sophia’s blog. ;)

  • Anna Stevens
    May 18, 2014 at 11:24 pm

    Sometimes it gets hard! Really hard, BUT you are right. My sweet boys are such a gift! Awesome post!:) Thanks for always being SO positive.

  • Tamar Meade
    May 18, 2014 at 11:55 pm

    Yes. Yes. Yes. Especially that last paragraph!! Thank you! Definitely spoke to this Mamas heart.

  • Kendra
    May 19, 2014 at 2:02 am

    Amen Mama!!! Love keeling up with your little ones-I have a 4 and 2 year old and one on the way! Some days I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into but I know it’s worth it!! Sending some love from seattle-keep being “mean mom” ;)

  • Julani
    May 19, 2014 at 6:03 am

    I’m having a similar problem over here. I’m occupied with a newborn, my 2year old is driving me crazy and my 3 year old seems to only be starting to hit the terrible 2’s now. I feel like the wicked witch of the west. I don’t want to wish them older but yikes… I feel like falling into a heap and crying with them sometimes.

  • Micaela
    May 19, 2014 at 7:09 am

    Thank you Natalie, I needed that. We had a good weekend, but most are not. I find myself questioning if I can handle another baby. Thank you for this post!

  • Deanna F
    May 19, 2014 at 8:15 am

    I’m right there with you! We only have two, but we’re a military family, so I’m often filling the role of both parents to my 3.5 yr and 16 month old. I’ve had a few mommy melt downs the past few nights, but Gods word keeps encouraging my heart when I question how I can do it all again tomorrow. Just remember our kids are born sinful and foolish, just like we were (still are at times), your consistent is for their ultimate good; that they might come to saving faith in Christ. An encouraging verse for me has been Proverbs 3:11-12 God disciplines those He loves, so that’s who I want to model my life after. Sending Mama hugs your way!

  • Yulia
    May 19, 2014 at 8:55 am

    Oh I so feel your pain! Even considering I have a 15 and a 10 year old babies)))Same thing yesterday- I had to stop the fights without actually judging anyone of them right or wrong

  • Elizabeth Trull
    May 19, 2014 at 10:41 am

    Oh man did I need to read this today! We just got through a weekend of lots of fun but also lots of fights and whining with our very stubborn and opinionated six year old who has started telling everyone they’re lying anytime they happen to make a mistake or say something wrong. Ugh. I absolutely love that your solution to the negativity was to get out and do something fun as a family though, sometimes I think kids are craving that and just don’t know how to say it so they act out. (though sometimes they’re just being kids) Being mom is hard, you do an amazing job at it!

  • Sandy
    May 22, 2014 at 6:58 am

    There is something so refreshing about knowing you are not alone. Thank you for writing this post!

  • Denise Ross
    May 22, 2014 at 4:22 pm

    I was nodding all the way through reading your post. Can I say it does get easier as they get older. Also there is a great website by Jeannie Cunnion. Go to You might be lifted up on your down days, at the very least you’ll be nodding through her posts. Prayer and the outdoors are your best friend with parenting. Keep smiling :)

    May 29, 2014 at 10:07 pm

    Ugh, isn’t heartbreaking to be called “mean mommy”? I really try hard to connect more than I correct, but some days just don’t go according to plan. It is wonderful when it all comes together and you get to see the joy, happiness, smiles, etc…being the “best mommy.” {hugs} we all have those days (which sometimes feel like weeks).

  • Farrah
    June 10, 2014 at 9:43 pm

    I feel like a mean mommy every night when my 10 month old fights bedtime! Yet every time he giggles, smiles, snuggles, or does any of his other many adorable traits I fall in love all over again. I’m looking forward to fun adventures like the farm when he’s older!