Learning to be content in my Season

February 28, 2015

I want to make it all. everything. I want to make the DIY rustic industrial coffee table. I want to make the felt play food sushi and tea bags. I want to make the gift wrapping station.
I want to throw a playdate with all my friends and their kids and have creative/themed snacks and activities. I want to actually get through my laundry pile.
I want to make all of the meals I’ve pinned on pinterest.
It’s not happening. None of it. And I’m learning to be ok with it. contentinmyseason-thebusybudgetingmama

Having 3 kids…. and coming up on having baby #4 in october. I’ve gone through many different seasons of life. All of them with their own challenges and smooth sailing.
Some seasons harder than others. Some seasons including more break down crying moments than others. (all included them… just some had more than others.)


Reality, really stinks some times. especially when you don’t agree with how much time you REALLY have in a day. or how much energy you REALLY have. I remember after having my second baby.. I was like wait….I’m feeling like I want to do all these things…and I physically can’t make it happen….And I had to have a cry sesh on the phone with my mom and get a reality check. You can’t do it all… and that’s ok. It doesn’t mean you never will be able to do that dream or that DIY IKEA hack….lol… just today… we are choosing something else.

I’m in the season of I have a husband, raise 3 kids under the age of 6, run a business and blog and grow a human. Some of those things are ever changing..some aren’t.
I’ll always be a wife and mama…but the demands of the kids and work are ever changing.
Right now..I feel miserable. morning sickness this round is the worst yet.
I mean horrible. horrible. praying trying to get through it horrible.
I’m so grateful for this baby and I know this season won’t last forever.
But please forgive me if you see me and I look like death. because we are seriously coasting through at this point haha. Micah brushed my hair with a plastic fork for a good 15 minutes today. The thought of how bad an idea that was didn’t even cross my mind. I wasn’t moving. he was somewhat still. we went with it. luckily no one was stabbed and my hair looked phenomenal afterwards.
Ben has swooped in many meal times to save the day. Otherwise the kids would be eating pbj’s and cheese puffs for the entire first trimester.

I’m learning to be ok with the season of life I’m in.
That I won’t feel sick forever. and our kids won’t be these agesĀ forever.
That I can make all the things and do all the things…I just need to be realistic, patience with myself, and at peace.
Because the problem with a restless heart…is you aren’t at peace with where you are at and you can’t be truly present if you are always wishing and longing for other things. In those moments, I’m not living in the present and seeing the amazing things going on around me. I’m blocking out the good and only seeing the GAHH I’m gonna lose my mind parts.
I heard a very smart quote the other day. and I think it was a quote of a quote…but
It was something like, we sometimes think the grass is always greener over there…
but in reality..
the grass is green where you water it.
So I’m gonna water my grass. I’m gonna throw up and feel exhausted and do laundry when I can and let the laundry go when I can’t and love on my kids and choose them over work and work when I can and set goals and be realistic with myself and my time and energy. I’m going to be at peace knowing this is where I’m at right now… make goals but be present.
I’m gonna make that eggless cookie dough and eat it while binge watching netflix with my husband. or go to bed with the kids at 7:30 because
I’ve been counting down till bedtime since 9am.
I’m going to work my butt off when they nap and I’m not sick. I’m going to work with purpose and put all of me in it not just to make something from itĀ but to build something amazing and make an impact on a community.
I’m going to blog my heart and not worry about pins.
I’m going to NOT blog some days and be ok with it.
I’m going to be ok with where I’m Ā at and not worry about everything I’m not able to do.
I’m going to love my family, and it will be a flawed love, but an example to them of trying to be patient and kind and asking for forgiveness and starting over the next day.

I encourage all of you mamas… don’t compare.. and don’t be frustrated.
Some seasons of life are hard. But each season is beautiful and good.
Water your grass and be at peace. dream and pin away but you are good and amazing even without the perfectly organized pantry. although if you have free time
and want to organize mine, I’m game.

  • Jamie
    February 28, 2015 at 10:18 pm

    Ahhh I needed this today! Life as a first time mom with a 10 day old newborn is a huge transition. So grateful to have her but stressful at the same time.

  • Rebekah
    February 28, 2015 at 11:19 pm

    I am also due with my fourth in October and I could not have said it better, I am having a hard time being at peace when my life on the go and all my plans don’t exactly get done. Thank you for the reminder, raising my little blessings from God is the most important thing, and it’s ok if everything is not done every day. Congratulations!!!

  • Krista
    March 1, 2015 at 10:55 am

    You have put this into words so beautifully! Life changes so and embracing where we are right now is so important! Good for you for realizing it and loving it!

  • Paula R.
    March 1, 2015 at 11:22 am

    Thank you for this wonderfully encouraging and freeing post. We can’t have it all or do it all-not at the same time. You are in your busiest season of life for sure, and adding a new baby will heighten the situation. But yes… The grass us greener where you water it.

    I love that saying “lean into it.” Leaning in –versus resisting and being resentful.
    You definitely have a few more blessings to tend to.. I have an energetic 5 year old that I homeschool and I’m always trying to find a few moments to get things done. I just received a copy of “The Fringe Hours” by Jessica Turner. I’m hoping the premise will help me find a few existing pockets in my day to be creative and more productive in my passions.

    Of course there are the season of life… Like which you’re in right now… Where there is NO wiggle room, no matter what you do. I’ll be praying for you to feel better soon and for The Lord to grant you grace to accomplish all that He had gifted you to do!

  • Lorena
    March 2, 2015 at 10:59 am

    Honey you are so “for real!”
    You truly embrace all that comes your way and you do it well, even the stuff your not doing because your not trying to pretend that you can when maybe right now you cant.
    I’v always heard the phrase “the grass seems greener on the other side…” but this is the first time I’ve come across a message that basically says, if you want greener grass then water it. I like that.
    Im hoping that this trimester passes soon and that you are feeling better. HUGS!!

  • Keisha - Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams
    March 2, 2015 at 5:42 pm

    Ooooh – girlfriend, I am right there in that season with you! I’ve just been going non-stop for months. I took a look around my house and it was like an episode from Hoarders! Now, I’m not making my blog or business the priority. I want a clean and healthy home so my kids can function in a space that is (somewhat) organized and not chaotic. Thanks for this reminder – that everything is A-Okay!

  • Belinda
    March 3, 2015 at 7:57 am

    Absolutely loved your your post – it really resonated with me, and I can totally relate, in the current ‘season’ that I am in. I agree – it is so hard to have to put things that you are passionate about, on the backburner. Hope that’s it’s all smooth sailing once the morning sickness has passed.

  • Mionna
    March 4, 2015 at 6:17 pm

    Being content with where I am is something I struggle with on a day to day basis. I’m trying so hard to be here, be present, and be happy with the now. This has been something that’s been easier said than done for me. I decided to get super serious about it focusing on the Word and trying to get out of this hole. This post is wonderful. Although the things we desire may be different…there’s a shared theme! Stay encouraged!! God’s got you and He has a plan tailor-made specifically for you. You’ve got to trust Him and let Him lead! Everything will be alright!

    Although I’m not a mom, thanks for the encouragement in this post!

  • Angelica
    March 17, 2015 at 10:09 pm

    What an inspiring post. It’s so hard to be in the moment when you’re trying to focus on so many things. This is something I (and most moms, I’m sure) can relate to. “This too shall pass…”

  • toni
    March 20, 2015 at 2:26 pm

    Such a good read for me today! Thanks for writing this. We’re getting over the stomach flu. Littlest one’s been super fussy and I’ve raised my voice too many unnecessary times. At one point I was like, “BE QUIET! I’m trying to pray!!!”
    my poor kids.
    Netflix marathons all day long at the moment!

  • Andrea Brogle
    March 25, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    So it is crazy how I stumbled upon this post. I just bought the e-book for blogging from “Just a Girl and Her Blog”. Anyway, it led me to check out your blog. I have been in a “funk” for a couple of months now. I have been looking to the next thing, wondering when X will happen, when will I stop being tiredā€¦ and the list goes on. I am constantly telling myself to stop and be present and then I stop. Hearing your words was just what I needed right now. You’re right. This to shall pass – and I don’t want it to pass without me. Anyway, thank you.

    • natalie
      March 25, 2015 at 8:38 pm

      I love Abbey! We were friends back in pittsburgh :) Love that girl and glad you came to my blog through her e book! Thanks for reading and glad I could cheer you on!