Mom to Five – The First Month

December 13, 2017

Hunter is a month this week and it feels like a blur honestly.
I don’t know how wise my words are, since I’m still in the thick of it,
but for those first time mamas about to have a baby… or about to have their second or third
(or whatever that number that feels exciting but scary to you is…)
Let yourself be helped. 
Be patient with yourself.
Slow down and love on your littles. (That slow down part can be harder than you think!)
Remind yourself that there will be a day you won’t be needed constantly by everyone…
it might be very very very far away but it’ll come haha.
These days are fleeting…we all hear it…
but I have to consciously remind myself to live like I know it.

I’ve been deep in the newborn fog…not gonna lie.
That place where everything moves in slow mo, days and nights blending together…
but then at the same time you’re grasping to slow it down as your hormones rage and
you see your baby getting bigger and bigger in front of your eyes.
ALL of your kids seem to be growing up in super speed!
I always go through a reality check stage after having babies…
where I officially feel overwhelmed with what I WANT to do and what I CAN actually do.
I have to go over in my mind all that I have to be thankful for.
Being grateful for the little things that help me relax… a shower,
a solo (just with baby) trip to store, a hubby making dinner,
sweet snuggles from my little people, a phone call from a best friend.
Sometimes you need to just look up out of the fog to see that you are
doing big things and so blessed, even in your sleep deprivation. 

I took all of the kids out by myself the other day.
(We went to Target. naturally.
It’s a safe space. haha.)
I feel like it went pretty well but not sure how the general public felt about it. haha.
We got plenty of stares but mostly smiling giggling ones because, heck… I get it!
We are a sight to see! (crazy town.)
Micah was randomly and loudly announcing, “we have a BABY!”
Soo… yeah not really able to subtly run in and out of stores anymore haha.
But I hope that people who see us don’t feel sorry for me in the crazy.
I hope they see that I have all of these people to love and take care of and yes it’s a challenge but how lucky am I?
These are my people! I get to watch them grow and have special memories with them
and live that magic of childhood all over again through their eyes!
It feels about the same crazy as when we had 4.. even 3.. just more. more everything. ;)
But at the same time I feel more capable to handle it. I’m not AS frazzled
(note that I am still a tad
This photo though cracks me up… Asher is worried and Hunter is terrified. lol.

Here’s some photos I snapped of our Hunter that I know I’ll treasure…
because I’m gonna blink and he’ll be in high school.
athomewithnatalie-hunter1 athomewithnatalie-hunter5 athomewithnatalie-hunter4

I hope you are having a wonderful December!
We have been trying to fit in festive fun as we can.
It’s been an intense health month with our family first slammed with the cold and
thennn the flu bug. As of now, everyone is healthy!!
Bring on the Christmas cheer!
If you don’t follow me on Instagram, hop over there because we post daily.
It’s been an easy outlet for me to share our family life even with the crazy.
Would love to connect there!

  • Katie
    December 14, 2017 at 9:25 am

    Love your fam of 5! Hunter is so cute and all of these pictures you shared are so precious! Happy Holidays and warm wishes <3

    Xo, Katie |

  • Katie
    December 14, 2017 at 9:26 am

    Love your crew of 5! Hunter is so cute and all of these pictures you shared are so precious! Happy Holidays and warm wishes <3

    Xo, Katie |

  • Annalee
    December 14, 2017 at 1:07 pm

    You inspire me! I’m totally not prepared to be a mom of three, and yet we still find ourselves wanting a big family! I know we learn as we go… you’re doing great! Target alone – that should get you a trophy!

  • Louise (Cooking with Kids)
    December 14, 2017 at 4:59 pm

    This is a lovely read. Thanks for reminding me to enjoy the chaos of a big family, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed x

  • Hannah Beth Reid
    December 23, 2017 at 7:13 pm

    Thank you for sharing your adorable pictures and encouraging words! My 4 kiddos are 8, 5, 3, and 8 months, so I am starting to feel the crazy that is us when we are out and about together.