Hello abs are you in there?

January 15, 2014

They are my life. they also are the reason my body has changed over the years.
I wouldn’t consider myself fat. but I wouldn’t consider myself healthy.
I don’t drink water. I eat out too much. I run myself around like a crazy person
on food that doesn’t give me the energy I need..thus turning me into cranky mommy.
I feel bloated and sluggish more than I used too.
I don’t have abs (or anything really) anymore and feel very self
conscious about my middle area. being real.
I have skinny arms.. but I think that’s from carrying micah around.
he is a beast. a cute squishy beast that decided not to nurse very long.

Each time I had my girls and nursed, I was able to lose weight without trying.
But third baby came along all sweet and wanting to hang out and snuggle but not nurse…
and my body just isn’t as resilient I guess.. so I have hit a wall.
My body has decided that my middle area is not going to shrink anymore
unless I DO something.

I have decided that I want this. bad.
I want to have more energy and to feel better about my body.

So tonight, I purged our pantry of all leftover christmas candy that is just hanging out in
 there to eat..waiting for a night when the kids are coming out of their rooms every 2 minutes 
to say they need to pee, they need a drink, they want to say sorry for being bad at bed time, they
want to tell me their sister is in their bed, to ask to pee again. etc etc.

I’m not sure yet if I want to go vegetarian..or paleo.. or just…
“cut out all the bad processed sugary stuff!”
But I do know that I want to eat healthier…
and a healthy meal plan is a must.

I really want to do something…
so with the inspiration of my girls Diana and Emily
I’m doing it.
And of course to make it official and actually happen…
I’m blogging about it.

Abs here we come.
abs of steel.
I’m going to be doing bicep curls with micah baby.
or not.

But seriously. does anyone else ever feel like you don’t have time to make healthy food
or work out because your kids are priority with your time? well I’ve decided that I want to
be a happier mommy for them. And when I am so busy that I just eat an apple, 1 of
sienna’s chicken tenders and 2 microwaved smores for dinner, I’m not as happy as I
could be. I feel tired. hungry for “real” food still. and sluggish.

I’m going to be sharing, all month long, how it goes.
Operation I want my abs back.
yes..I named it.
just let me name it.

ps. I turn 28 on friday. This might be a pre-midlife crisis post…
We are going with it.

My husband is jumping on board with me too!
partners in crime.
the non-meat-eating variety of crime.
Ok..seriously. I’m delirious.
I’m going to read this in the morning
and swear I ate the leftover bag
of take fives before writing this.
(I really didn’t. but I was sad throwing them away.)

buy work out clothes. lol.

reactivate gym membership. lol.
I’m going to PENCIL IT IN and stick to a schedule.

Meal plan healthy options that don’t make me want
to just eat apples and greek yogurt for every meal.
Girls share your knowledge!
I’m going to drink WATER. I have head aches all the time.
I know it’s because, ok, are you ready for this??
I normally drink 3-4 glasses of water a day. I kept track of it for a few
days to see..and it was shocking. I am SO BUSY.. that I am not taking care of myself.
I have BIG DREAMS and I want to take care of myself so I can LIVE them..HAPPILY!
Ok someone take the caps lock key off my keyboard.

This is my pep talk post. I’m excited.
Wish me luck!

first things first…work out clothes.. 
::cue husband eye roll:: bahaha.

but seriously…I’m going tomorrow.

Who needs a trainer when I have sienna.
I’m scared. I would drop and give her twenty.
30 day goal to stick with it and not give up.
Not limiting it to that..but wanting to set that goal.
Follow me on Instagram to see what I’m eating!

  • jessicajanesdesign
    January 16, 2014 at 12:24 am

    Im with you! I find it hard to be active and eat healthy with one 12m old little guy let alone 3 little ones! For me, I always put cleaning before working out and eat that left over food because I hate to see it wasted. We can do it! Were going to Florida in March so I gotta look good ;) ;) eeek!

  • jbrancaccio
    January 16, 2014 at 12:35 am

    Why give up meat entirely. Your muscles, especially your abdominal muscles, need protein. Stick to lean meats, chicken, and fish (If you like it). Sometimes vegetarians switch back because they don’t get enough of the nutrients that meat has. Also, be sure to eat the ‘right’ leafy green veggies, too. I know plenty of overweight vegetarians. I think exercise will help the most, cutting out carbs and sugars. Good luck with whatever works for you!

  • Katie @mummydaddyme
    January 16, 2014 at 6:38 am

    Good luck, I am also on a gym and healthy (ish) eating plan, determined to find my abs again!

  • Marjorie
    January 16, 2014 at 9:22 am

    I used the Tupler Technique to get my stomach back in shape after kids. I never knew this, but you should not do sit ups and normal ab exercise after kids because it can make stomach bulge worse. Anyway, Tupler exercises got my tummy back in shape and I can wear a binkini after three kids!

  • Heather
    January 16, 2014 at 10:01 am

    I always find water is the hardest thing to remember. My fiancee and I have both dropped the junk food, sugar and wheat out of our diet (and cupboards) this year (we still eat meat but only a FEW times a week but definitely load up on the veggies) and in the last 16 days I have dropped 8lbs and he’s dropped the same! Just walking more and getting up and moving around (stuck in the house with 2 little ones under 3 years old in the winter makes for a lot of sitting!). Best of luck to you, keep positive!

  • Jen
    January 16, 2014 at 10:35 am

    Can we start an Operation I Want My Abs Back tribe? Because I am so right there with you. My hydration level is straight up ATROCIOUS. Some days it gets to be 5 o’clock and I realize that I had a cup of tea in the morning and still haven’t finished the glass of water I poured when I was done. No wonder I’m cranky and sluggish and just want to take a nap!

    And I don’t prioritize exercise either. But I totally agree that it needs to happen. If we’re happier and healthier, our babies will be too. It needs to happen!!!

  • aleanasoto
    January 16, 2014 at 10:40 am

    Good luck with reaching your goals! I hear you with everything you said. I started working out hard just shy of my daughters 2nd birthday. I was tired of feeling tired all the time and I didnt want to hate what I saw in the mirror anymore. So I started eating balanced and healthy, went to the gym and worked out 6 days a week while my daughter was asleep (daddy was home) and am almost there! Its been 7 months since changing my lifestyle and I’ve lost 25lbs and most importantly I have energy again to play with my almost 3 year old!! If I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT!!! You just have to make it part of your life and stick with it. If you need any support I’m here ;)

    I’ve been following your blog since my daughter Sophie was only 6 months old. I was searching for a mental break and lots of help from other moms who have done the mom thing before and I love your blog!! You’ve helped me out so much and I feel like I know you! Im a graphic designer and a stay at home mom myself trying to build my business up and continue working in my field. Your awesome and you’ll reach your abs of steel goal!! Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2014 at 10:52 am

    I hear you, it is tough to keep on track with little ones. I have triplet 3 year olds and a 7 month old, and I found the only way to ensure I was eating a proper dinner was to make a meal for the whole family and then sit down and eat it together. Tonight it’s leftover chili. So, nothing fancy, but nutritional. I do have to move pretty fast to get everything together in that crazy hour before dinner – I think that must be my super power – but it feels awesome to actually sit down (physically) and eat with everyone (psychologically) even if my husband isn’t home yet. So dinner hour is sacred in our house, and I find the quick sit down and good food (…and maybe a little wine…) gives me the energy to tackle the dreaded pre-bedtime scramble. I firmly believe that re-prioritizing some “me” time is a gift to my kids, too, because it makes me happier and healthier. Good luck with your new routine!!

  • Christina
    January 16, 2014 at 11:18 am

    Joining in! I’m leaning towards gluten free or paleo diet. Gluten free scares me less so maybe paleo goes better with your vegetarian idea ;) What’s your goal for times to work out a week? I haven’t been able to find a work out buddy. How about some cousin accountability texts?

  • Abby at Just a Girl and Her Blog
    January 16, 2014 at 11:20 am

    You go, mama! I think you look great, and I hope this helps you feel great too! I need to get on the ball with a lot of the same things myself, so thanks for the inspiration! Hope you guys are having a wonderful week!

    ~Abby =)

  • Lisa Kener
    January 16, 2014 at 11:35 am

    May I suggest something that does not involve giving up meat? http://whole30.com/
    Or just go paleo, there are tons of cookbooks out there. I have been on my own personal health journey, and with 3 children it is not easy! We have made over our kitchen completely, and we only eat real whole foods now. It’s amazing how much better we feel, almost like we have been given a new chance at life! I know you can do it, can’t wait to read about your progress!

  • The Life of Poole
    January 16, 2014 at 12:05 pm

    Good luck! I’ve been a vegetarian for almost 9 years and my husband for almost 7. Some good things to try are vegetarian bean chili; pepper, onion and quinoa tacos; falafel; spinach burgers; mushroom risotto and a ton more. I have a lot of recipes on my pinterest if you wanna check it out, just ignore all the desserts I’ve pinned as well haha! http://www.pinterest.com/sreillycreative/food-my-husband-will-cook/

  • Yvonne
    January 16, 2014 at 12:11 pm

    Good Luck!! I’ve never tried vegetarian but I’ve done yeast free for months at a time. (It limits you to meat, veggies, nuts, eggs, water and tiny amount of fruit). The first three days I contemplated playing in traffic because I HATED the detox feelings I was getting without sugar and caffeine. But after that hump I was golden and knocked some weight off!! You’ll do great! And Pinterest is amazing for recipes. :) Get it girl, find those abs! (Mine are stil M.I.A. lol)

  • crystal voss
    January 16, 2014 at 1:02 pm

    Good Luck!!!

  • L.A.
    January 16, 2014 at 2:18 pm

    Sounds intense girl! I find eating veggies easy (would rather have a whole cucumber than fruit – yup I’m weird) If you can prep your veggies so they’re ready on hand it’ll be way easier. You can just grab and go. Plus I recommend having a water bottle handy all the time. It makes drinking water way easier AND you can be proud when you finish the bottle….and then refill it! I know there are a lot of great recipes out there, but check out some of these http://westcoastleslie.blogspot.ca/p/recipe-index.html

  • Ruthie Hart
    January 16, 2014 at 4:38 pm

    You looked freaking fantastic at Influence girl!!! But I am totally with ya…. I need to stop using BFing as my “eat what ever you want” crutch. Time to get healthy and reintroduce myself to Jillian Michaels! I just bought my first one piece swim suit so that puts my mind at ease a bit :)

  • Caitlin Ostberg
    January 16, 2014 at 10:00 pm

    I can’t wait to see how this goes for you! I am also trying to eat healthier this year and though I don’t yet have kids, it’s hard to eat healthy when you’re on your own. Good luck!

  • Erin
    January 16, 2014 at 11:21 pm

    Let me help you! I’m a registered dietitian in private practice specializing in woman and pediatric nutrition!! :)

  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2014 at 8:41 am

    I’m in the same boat I am 35 and I have four kids and my body just won’t bounce back on it’s own anymore. I am 2 weeks into my personal training and it feels good! I am determined to do this!! Good luck!

  • Theresa
    January 17, 2014 at 11:31 am

    Natalie! We’re birthday twins:) same day and year… And I was just thinking the same thing about getting in shape and eating healthy. I got a huge water bottle and figured out I need to drink 3.5 a day… It has been helping. I realized living off just espresso doesn’t work. Good luck I’ll be working out too!

  • fivejonesroad
    January 17, 2014 at 12:07 pm

    Mean mommy moments always make me feel sooo guilty. Especially when I think about how they could have been avoided if only I had eaten a sandwich… :( Can’t wait to follow along!

  • Amanda
    January 17, 2014 at 1:24 pm

    Can I join you? I just had my 3rd baby in September and I haven’t stepped into a gym for over a year. Although I’m not far from my pre-baby weight, my muscle tone has decreased dramatically! I’m looking forward to updates!

  • ashbakkegard
    January 17, 2014 at 4:41 pm

    I could have wrote that word for word. I’m on day 5 of cutting out sugar, etc. Actually I’m doing the 24 day challenge from Advocare. The first few days were rough with the cravings but it’s not too bad now. I had some holiday fluffiness leftover that had to go!

  • Jennifer-Mommy Life After Ph.D.
    January 20, 2014 at 1:03 am

    RIGHT THERE WITH YOU!!! Four kids in five years=WRECKED BODY (not just wrecked abs, LOL). I blogged about my journey a couple of times and have had a lot of success with a paleo+dairy type of diet. Essentially low to no carbs+trainer 2 times a week=25 lb weight loss and nearly to my goal. You can do it!!!
    http://mommylifeafterphd.blogspot.com/2013/12/results-of-10-day-low-carb-challenge.html –CHECK OUT THE BEFORE AND AFTER PICS in this post!!!

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2014 at 5:33 pm

    I am a busy, homeschooling Mama of three as well! My youngest is 2 and I’m pregnant with #4… I get ya!! I love fit2be.us for workouts. Beth is a Christian Mom and she focuses on fixing your tummy after having children (similar to the tupler technique). She is a online studio, so you don’t have to leave the house, and she dresses modestly, so you don’t have to shoo your kids away to watch videos. Plus, it’s not a workout dvd that gets boring, it’s different workouts, and only $10/month!! For diet, I recommend meat for sure! I’ve been using a great new program called Trim Healthy Mama. Google it! It’s fantastic! It’s similar to paleo, however it’s not quite as intense and you get to keep a lot of really great and healthy grains! It’s family friendly, budget friendly, husband friendly. Using it’s guidelines I successfully lost weight before this pregnancy (I don’t have skinny arms) and I’m having my healthiest and easiest (also with the smallest weight gain) pregnancy yet! Good luck! Your goals are very do-able!

  • Mary E
    January 30, 2014 at 12:08 pm

    I am transitioning to Paleo (I love the 80% – 20% mentality: 80% strict, 20% not so strict). I also still eat dairy, but transitioning to organic and grass fed. It’s awesome and so easy. And if you meal plan (my husband and I like to do it together the weekend before), it makes shopping so much easier. I was dreading it, but then I learned that there’s YUMMY paleo/grain-free options for EVERYTHING. My favorite is pizza with coconut or almond flour and they’re so easy. Recipes are all over pinterest and the Internet. I love it. The diet really helped my husband get super fit and helped clear up skin issues.