Favorite Thing to Soothe a Fussy Baby When Traveling

March 5, 2018

I just returned from traveling with Hunter to visit family up north!
I got a lot of, “you are brave!” comments… but honestly, with going
from 5 kids to 1– plenty of the time it felt like a vacation!
At the same time though… Hunter is not the best traveler compared to my other babies.
ALL of the other babies would just snuggle up and nurse the entire time… it was a breeze.
Hunter takes a little more work to get settled- whether he’s traveling or at home – he’s just a fussier baby.
We’ve tried Chiropractor visits, drops, oils, pediatrician visits, ear nose and throat doctor visit…
We have tried A LOT over these first few months. I will say he has improved from month 1,
but nothing seemed to help that much – for sure nothing immediate.
He doesn’t nurse to sleep and it just takes more effort to get him comfy and happy.
I think he would prefer to be back in the womb. haha.
I get it. It’s louder and not as comfy out here haha.
He is a scrumptious, chunky, sweetheart but the flights out to Indiana and
then the days out away from home were crazy town with him.
SO GLAD I found something to make things better for the rest of the trip and flight home!

Hunter had been even fussier than normal so I had my uncle/doctor check
his ears because I thought he was sick. But nope. Just not loving life.
I had to run to the store while I was there (to get wipes…)
and I scanned the baby aisles for anything that said it helped with soothing babies.
I thought I had tried ALL the things… but one product jumped off the shelf and I grabbed it.
“reduced crying by 60%”???? SOLD. lol.
and it wasn’t too pricey at all. Actually the cheapest “colic” product I had boughten yet.
It’s called Little Remedies Advanced Colic Relief Drops.
I think this is liquid gold! I started using it the couple days
before traveling and saw almost immediate results.
It smells like chamomile tea and honey and is kind of sticky??
He slurps it right up mot of the times and within 10 minutes I would see a big difference in his mood.
He would relax his body more and I feel like since he could finally  relax…
he would fall asleep or just be HAPPIER!
With his weight, I could give it to him 2-3 times a day.
Little Remedies Advanced Colic Relief Drops. —-Chamomile herbal blend shown to
reduce crying by 60%. Paraben and Gluten free. All ages.

While traveling I gave it to him before the 2 flights.. and then when I got home I gave it to him before Church.
I saw a big difference… and having just a chunk of time where he’s more calm and peaceful was a HUGE sanity saver.
I highly suggest trying this out if you have a fussy one or are planning a trip.
So glad I randomly bought it this weekend– my new favorite thing I will be telling everyone about!
We tried other drops… but this one ACTUALLY showed results within 10 minutes.
Not sure if it’s because it’s “advanced” colic relief drops….
but I’m just so thankful I discovered it and had to pass on the tip!

My Hunter doesn’t nurse to sleep so I was SO stressed about our
flights home because of how fussy he had been on the trip out/during (even more than his normal fussy!)
But the rest of the trip and flights home went so much smoother because of this
and now I’m using it in our day to day too! SO much better.
Little Remedies Advanced Colic Relief Drops.

  • Louise S
    March 6, 2018 at 4:10 am

    He’s just gorgeous! Glad you found something that worked for him x