5 Tips to Being a Smarter-Work at Home- Mom

June 20, 2014

Thank you to Huggies for Sponsoring today’s discussion!

I am a work at home mom. I have my blog that I consider a hobby/business and
I also run HAPPY MOMMY BOX out of our house. We have a three story town house
and the first floor is all work.. with plenty of space for an impromptu toddler dance party.
Officially…I’m a mom that works during nap time, quiet time and bed time.
Some days I completely give up on trying to get anything work related done.
Bust most days I strategize and fit in the times I can work.
I don’t have day care.. I don’t have a nanny. I have a very supportive husband with
a very busy(semi-flexible) work schedule that helps when he can.
I have a sister who is in the same boat as me running her business BLANQI while
being a stay at home mom. We are starting to help each other out now
that we moved south and live down the street!
I only have limited windows of time where I don’t have kids asking me
for a snack or needing to be tickled monster-ed.
It’s definitely a learning as I go process and every day I’m feeling more capable!
Part of being a smart mom is looking at the ways you can make
your time best spent through efficient tasks.

Here are some tips that I have learned to be a Smarter-Work at Home-Mom!
Even if you aren’t a work at home mom, I’m sure you’re busy with your own
projects and activities. We all fill our lives up with different things that can
sometimes cause us to feel overwhelmed and needing a PLAN.
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We all know that the dreaded question, “what’s for dinner” can sometimes make you want to gouge your eyeballs out. Even if you don’t have a business…but are just busy with life! Especially when you have a “i need to get done asap” list that’s a mile long. But feeding your family is kindaaa important. and should be a priority. up there with bathing them.. but we can all agree it’s ok to let that slide. a layer of protection is healthy.
Don’t even get me started on house cleaning. Whenever we are coming out of shipping week I realize ohh…that’s right I do laundry!
Don’t be hard on yourself if you get behind.. just start the next day ready to do it!
I’m using my printable to stay on top of things!
I have a mountain of clean laundry I’m currently avoiding while I write this.
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The one thing that I never am prepared for…enough diapers.
I aways seem to be completely out of them on the day that I haven’t showered, have a throwing up child and husband out of town. It’s always exciting like that.
To save yourself from those moments of despair when you realize you are putting the last diaper on your baby’s bum… order them online!
Diapers.com is having a promotion right now- $12 off first time purchases made
through Diapers.com on any Huggies diaper case.
Here’s the code to get the discount! – WOWHUGGIES
Shopping for diapers online is convenient and a timesaving way to get your diapers without the hassle! You don’t even have to get your kids dressed.
Because we all know……that’s a pain.

I’ve shared before my jump into the freezer meal world.. HERE.
Meal planning can help save you time and sanity… there are lots of great resources of meals already planned on pinterest… and putting in some effort for a couple hours while planning ahead, will save you time later in the week!
Freezer Crock Pot Meals3-TheBusyBudgetingMama

Right now Micah takes a nap in the morning and (if he goes down early enough) will take another one in the afternoon with the girls. (who sometimes nap too)
While he naps in the morning, that is my GO-TO time. The girls USUALLY are their best in the morning and are just wanting an activity of some sort. and snacks. (little bottomless snack pits.)
I found that if I set them up with a fun craft or play time in their own area, the two of them go into their own little world being creative and using their imaginations!
That time is golden. I’ve learned that that is my time..and once it’s up..
I can’t really count on another open window until they all nap in the afternoon or after dinner/bedtime. Part of making it work is being REALISTIC.
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You work..but you are a mom. and that has to come first.
It’s so important to set priorities and to be flexible with your time when your kids are around. They want your time! It’s going to be a constant balancing act.. you want to provide for them..but you also want to be the best mom for them and be present……
Part of the battle is just being aware of that. And not being hard on yourself when you have to have a sitter come in and help so you can work…. or when you have to step away from work and be “behind” but be THERE for your kids. I’m so in the thick of this right now! But some days I have realized that I needed to set aside work and just BE with my kids..and start again once they are all snug in their beds. That works for me since I’m a night person.. but if you are a morning person maybe you’ll have to wake up earlier on those days you need to play catch up.
It’s ok to say no to work stuff sometimes. It’s ok to go to the pool instead
of answering those e-mails sent that morning. Some work is urgent..some is not… and it’s really important to make sure you see that or else you will run yourself ragged!
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You are working hard for your sweet little ones! You are amazing!
Don’t just work – work smarter!
Hopefully these tips and encouraging words will give you a boost!
Don’t forget that huggies deal on diapers.com – grab your discount!
I should probably go fold that laundry mentioned earlier… ;)

  • Brooke
    June 20, 2014 at 1:28 pm

    I want to work from home so badly, yet I don’t know how I could find the time-until I read this. I love your freezer meals, a few of them are part of our weekly menu(thank you!)

  • Nicole
    June 20, 2014 at 11:02 pm

    I couldn’t agree more! I am a work at home mommy too…createdtoparty.com is my etsy store and I do local party planning. Number 5 is so true. I have had to learn the balance between when working is possible and necessary and when it is best to just let it go and jump in there and play and be the present mom they need and I enjoy being. It has taken a bit of a learning curve but we have gotten into a rhythm at the moment that works for us. Thankfully I am a night owl too :) I think it is great though that they learn and get to SEE first hand Mommy’s work…my daughters ( 3& 5) play “mommy and daddy” a lot …and part of the mommy role when they play is “making parties” …along with feeding and loving on their babies, etc. I am thankful they are getting the experience to see me work while I also get the chance to be here everyday with them :)

  • Angie
    June 22, 2014 at 9:59 am

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! I have one busy three year old and trying so hard to start my own business (I am a freelance graphic designer), as well as keep up with my blog. Being a mommy is my number ONE priority, but I want to share my creativity with the world but struggle to find a balance. Thanks for all the great tips! So glad I found your blog :)