A Letter to my Children

October 21, 2014


Dear Sophia, Sienna and Micah,
You are 6, 4 and almost 2. All of you..small feisty funny and shy. Beautiful brave and curious.
You are my world and have made my heart grow in ways I didn’t think were possible.
YouĀ make me laugh and smile and cry and for the most part not sleep.
I love every bit of you and the day you came into my life it was made even more amazing.
You rocked my world and I love being your mommy. I want you to know how special you are.
That you are beautiful and smart and important.
I love you so much I don’t even know how to describe it.
But most importantly I want you to know you are a child of God…
and HE is so incredibly in love with you.
He gave you to me as my most treasured gift.
The day you were each born I was in awe of you. Every little detail about you.
As you grow up you will learn things
and have new experiences. You’ll have hard days and amazing days.
I hope you always see the good in people.
I hope that you find friendships and love likeĀ I have.
I hope you can surround yourself with people who
lift you up and are there for you when you need them.
I hope that you never hurt. but if you do, I hope that you realize your strength.
and that you can get through any sadness or struggle.
It’s ok to fail and to be messy and mess up. You don’t have to burden
yourself to be perfect and to build perfection around you.
I hope that you don’t focus on the negative. People may try to break you down but
remember where your strength lies. In Him. I hope that if someone does hurt you, you remember that they have their own sufferings and struggles.
I hope you forgive.

I hope you see the true nothingness in their words and actions.
I hope that you build others up.

Be the good this world needs. You are strong and kind. I’ve seen it even as such little children. You can get through hard times. You can do amazing things.
Never forget that you are here for a reason. God wants you to be his Apostles.
He wants you to tell others about His love for them.
There is a lot of sadness in our world.
and a lot of times people are hurtful to others because they don’t
feel lovedĀ or have been hurt themselves.
Once you get that, it’s a lot easier to forgive people.
You can see the bigger picture.
I want you to be happy. and to spread happiness.
I want you to be a lot like your dad. Because he is amazing. You get a lot of your silliness from him.
And your fiesty sides too.
I hope that you laugh a lot. and plenty of those times, have it be at yourself.
I want you to know it’s ok to be sad sometimes.

But don’t waste a single tear. Offer it up for someone who is suffering too.
We all need to help each other, and our sacrifices are powerful.
I’m so proud of the children you are.Ā and I know you are going to do
amazing things wherever you end up.Ā I love you so much.


ps. micah man is wild. he didn’t even cry after he rolled back and crashed into leaves.
he just kept on trucking. haha. that photo captures those three perfectly.

  • Francesca
    October 21, 2014 at 12:43 am

    That was beautiful … just like you!

  • Anneke
    October 21, 2014 at 4:21 pm

    My English is bad ;-) I enjoy your children and blog!!! Blessing! Love from a sister in faith from the Netherlands, Anneke

  • abby thome
    October 21, 2014 at 8:15 pm

    teary eyed – my word, such a sweet letter! i have often spoken these words to my boys, but what a fantastic idea to write it down. i feel as if my entire blog is a letter to them – and this would make a great addition
    wonderful post natalie!

  • Mary
    October 22, 2014 at 4:08 am

    Oh my, that is so sweet. I’m always talking about my daughter but it never occurred to me to actually writer her a letter. Thanks for the idea! I

  • Lorena
    October 22, 2014 at 10:36 am

    I love your blog and you always have amazing posts, even if its just something silly you and your kids did.
    I LOVE you letter to your children. I started a journal several years ago right before my kids were born, I used to write a lot more frequently in it and I sometimes laugh at my own feelings, emotions or experience at the time. Still, I want to share those moments with them that they will not remember, the joy of caring them, the fears and lack of sleep but most importantly the joy they have brought me. Your kids already know what an amazing mama they have, may god bless you and your family and many many more memories.

  • Amanda
    October 29, 2014 at 12:11 am

    i LOVE this. LOVE LOVE LOVE. <3 :')