A Playdate to UnMonday our Monday!

February 15, 2016

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This Post is sponsored by Einstein Bros. Bagels®, as always thoughts are my own!

My sister and I are both mamas to four kids and run businesses from home.
Mondays are always a little bit intense as you are thrown back
into the weekly tasks of work and the regular school routine.
But last monday I decided to break our normal ‘start of the week grind’ and have a
playdate with our youngest ones not in school that day!
We threw work out the window for a bit and planned a fun morning instead.
Einstein Bros. Bagels® gets it… they have $6 mondays where you get 13 bagels for $6!
I brought the treats to unMonday our Monday!
I loaded up a crate of fruit, kid plates and a fun metal cake stand and
picked up some bagels on the way to my sister’s place.
Ding Dong! the playdate party has arrived!

These two…cousins are pretty much the best.
Violette and Micah were so excited to have some play time together while their big siblings were at school.
(Not shown in photos……Val and I each had a baby last summer, those
sweeties cooed and played on the floor together.)
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It didn’t take much effort to pull together this playdate and make it feel extra special!
Having this time together immediately set the mood off right for the week.
I sliced up the bagels into little kid “party size” ;)
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On the agenda for this playdate… dress up!
Micah brought his iron man costume and paired it with their knight helmet.
Violette went straight for the pink tutu. great choice girl.
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Hahah….. Micah was feeling manly.

How dreamy is this little play space at my sister Valerie’s house? Love it!
These two loved playing dress up and Micah was ready to protect his tutu bunny ballerina from any bad guys.
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I had everything set up for the crew to have a much needed break.
Hey no armor on the table dude man!
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Happy Monday! I hope you feel inspired to unMonday someone’s day and surprise them with some extra love.
Grab a box of Einstein Bros. Bagels® on the way to work, get them for a play date or moms’ group
or drop some off at a friend’s house who could use a little help to unMonday their Monday!

This Post is sponsored by Einstein Bros. Bagels®, as always thoughts are my own!

  • Emily
    February 15, 2016 at 7:28 pm

    where is your cakes stand from??? it’s adorable!

    • natalie
      February 15, 2016 at 10:47 pm

      it’s from target! their spritz line. :)