Asher’s 6th Birthday – Ryan’s World Theme

January 31, 2022

Asher is the biggest Ryan’s World fan!  He loves the show, the toys, everything. So I wasn’t surprised at all that he wanted to have this be his 6th Birthday Party Theme. If you have a kiddo that is just as obsessed in all things Ryan and surprise eggs…this party post is for you! It was such a fun time at our house with lots of little Ryan details that made our Asher smile!

I love putting together dessert tables for the kids- no matter what theme they throw at me!
The backdrop for the dessert table was a homemade balloon garland with a diy poster board sign!
I took two red foam boards and poked holes in the corners to zip tie them together. It worked for me to then tape up on the wall as one piece.
In photoshop, I made happy birthday letters in the colors of Ryan’s World Logo and printed them out as large on a paper as I could. Cut them out and glued them down to the board.
Asher helped me pick out his favorite characters and we did the same thing with those.
Looking back I would have put up the Asher letters differently on the backdrop (so you could see them easier from far away.) But…no one noticed but me anyways!!

The party table is the one we built to use in our office/craft room. Just an IKEA countertop and some legs from Lowe’s. (So easy and we use it for all the parties.)
I have a balloon arch kit that attaches with clips to the table. I just strung up a bunch of regular balloons(from Hobby Lobby) and then taped on some of the larger ones.
(Suns, Pizza + Cheeseburger, Astronaut, Ryan’s World Balloons.)

You can see, at this angle, the clips that hold the arch onto the table.

One of Asher’s birthday presents was this Ryan plush and it was a HIT!!!
I found it on Amazon for a great price.

I gathered up a bunch of my white cake stands and bowls to hold the desserts.
The treats were all favorites of Asher’s plus plenty of fun packaged up things the kids can grab and go when playing!
I found a box of efrutti pizza gummies and just put the whole thing up there- they loved it haha.
Other treats were mint oreos, fruit by the foot, Rice Krispies, M&M cookies, jumbo fruit loop snax, cosmic brownies and cupcakes.

I made a few designs up in Photoshop and sent to my Cricut to be cut out.
I just taped the card stock to red paper straws I had cut in half.
Some of them had “Happy Birthday Asher” and some had Asher’s cute face on them!

In the Ryan’s world party supplies kit they also had a cake topper and some cupcake toppers with the characters on them. They were perfect for the table! Asher and his buddies loved finding their favorite characters.

We have been loving having a long table in our kitchen/family room area (love how it’s open and connected) It’s been a great spot to set up areas for the party guests to sit…and the birthday kiddo loves having their special spot to sit too. Asher helped me get it all set up!

We put out our gold sequin tablecloth (we’ve used this for a few parties already!) and made up a little party spot for each kid.
Everyone got a kinder egg and 2 Ryan surprises to open. They actually were from a large kit and we broke them up. It was a 53 pcs set and Asher got to open the others as a birthday present.
Ryan’s World Road Trip 53 pcs Complete Figure Set + Bonus Figure, Mystery Figures for all 50 States!
We knew little prizes would be opened so I had white boxes with the kids’ names on them (and one candy bag) for them to put their surprises in! I made an “Asher’s World” sign on my Cricut to make the containers fun on the table!
Under the plate of surprises is the super hero activity we did with them later on. (details below!)

I found the cutest super hero cape and mask activity kit where the kids could decorate their capes!
Ryan’s a super hero too (The Red Titan!!) so this was the perfect activity for them. The kit came with SO MANY packed up sets with fun colors.
They each had a pack of stickers and the kids all ended up in the sunroom floor with their capes spread out as they decorated them.
Asher had a lot of fun picking out which friend/cousin would want which color…he had the table all set up before they got there and was so cute when they were excited about their cape color!

Micah man got into this Red Titan role very well….haha.

Asher loves chocolate cake and our go-to is always the yummy one from Walmart! I know…not a fancy bakery, but it seriously is the cake everyone asks me where I get it from haha.
Asher picked out his favorite guys from one of his Ryan’s world presents, from that morning, and we put them around the top of the cake. We also added some some gold star sprinkles, that we’ve had for years. (They were from Micah’s Mario party!)

The toy that Asher ALWAYS talked about and wished for was a Ryan’s World giant surprise egg
and we rocked his world by giving him one during the party! (We had given him his other presents that morning like we normally do.)
His face says it all! One happy kid. ;) – Hunter was excited about it too…haha.

We had the presents from his party guests up on the island.
It’s so fun seeing how special the birthday kiddo feels…We had a lot of fun celebrating our Asher!

We did an inflatable for the front yard- best decision ever. The guys who do this know us now because we rent one out month, basically, for all the birthdays we have in the fall haha. They knew exactly where to put it lol.
When the weather is nice, it just makes the party even more fun AND a lot of the wild energy is outside…which is a win win! ;)

Thanks for stopping by! You can follow more of the family fun over on our Instagram!