Happy Birthday 3rd Birthday Asher!

October 2, 2018

Today we are celebrating Asher turning THREE!
LEGIT balling my eyes out over here watching this video I made of his birth and first 2 weeks of life.
Just the audio of those moments when he arrived gave me chills.
Three years old always feels like such a big birthday with my kids.
They go from baby to toddler to little kid and I’m not getting
enough sleep to handle these emotions. haha.
Sophia turning 10 this year was another birthday that wrecked me.
The years are short my friends! Panic! lol.
jk. don’t panic. But just slow down and soak all
of these days of crazy up because we blink and it’s a season behind us!

We started the morning with bagels and birthday presents!
Hugs for the birthday boy! We made some Asher dreams come
true with PJ Masks and Paw Patrol presents.
I’ve been hanging out with gecko all day. ;)
We are having a PJ Masks party for him on Saturday and
have already been working up party details.
We had the twinkly lights going this morning for him!

Asher has brought so much joy into our family!
We all are a tad obsessed with him and all his cute silly ways.
Luckily, Asher’s still a little squishy so he still feels like a baby….
Don’t grow up!!! ;)
He has always made me think of a little chipmunk with his cheeks
packing away nuts for winter haha. I just adore him and how snuggly and fun he is.
I get DM’s from you guys on Instagram about how you
follow me just for Asher photos. haha. I get it.

He loves to laugh! He loves to play with his siblings and has the sweetest little heart.
When Sienna was home from school and feeling sick…
he took care of her all day… getting her water and stuffed animals.
He’s such a good little brother that wants to be big.
And now that he has a baby brother…
he’s really getting into the role of a big kid.
Sometimes I’ll look over and see him doing baby talk to Hunter…
high pitched like we do. It’s hilarious!

I fell down the facebook memory hole of photos last night and
I was very content there. Just laying in bed scrolling through
all the fun and sweet moments.
I wanted to share some of them here!

Asher I can’t believe you are three today!
It feels like just yesterday you were kicking me in my belly!
I remember how excited your siblings were when we brought you home.
There was no shortage of snuggles, kisses and hugs for you.
We have loved you so much from the first moment we knew about you!

I have loved two year old Asher. Seriously, the best.
But I know, from experience, that every season has it’s own incredible moments…
so I know seeing Asher grow into a little boy is going to be amazing.
He officially doesn’t feel like a toddler anymore but like a little boy.
Happy Birthday to the sweetest boy. We love you Asher!