Huge Toy Unboxing! Mattel Toy Haul | Sunny Day & Jurassic World

August 30, 2018

Thank you Mattel for sending us this box of toys!
It was such a special treat for the kids and felt like Christmas morning!
They were so excited to get Sunny Day and Jurassic World toys.
Here’s the full video of them unboxing and checking everything out.
If you are Christmas shopping or on the hunt for fun
Birthday gifts – my kids ages are 10, 8, 5 and 2.5! These were hits with them!

I just was force fed some play food eggs by Asher.
He is very demanding when we play restaurant.
You better taste every single item from the feast he lays before you!! haha.
BUT I wanted to hop on and share with you guys this video
that we just shared on our YouTube Channel!
If you aren’t following us over there I would love if you subscribed!
We have lots of fun content already filmed–
I just need to get my life together a bit and edit/post them. ;)
We’ve been busy trying to get settled in around here AND today is Sophia’s birthday!
So we have a lot of celebrating going on around here today.
I’m off to grab donuts for her class and bring her lunch…
with Asher and Hunter……
So…wish me luck. haha.
I’m going to do a whole other post on Sophia turning 10.
I legit was crying in car line thinking about it. I can’t deal with this.
But, It’s not about me.. it’s about her being double digits and LOVING life.
She’s such a great big sister and little mama.
I’m trying to stay away from the emotional hole that is facebook memories…
Bu I don’t know. I might end up looking at baby photos all day.

Hunter has started crawling and then like a crazy person has
decided he “THINKS” he can stand and take steps.
This morning he was at the corner of the sofas…
pulled himself up and then just boldly took a step to the other sofa.
He honestly thought he could to it too. haha. no looking back. no holding on just in case.
Just…let’s stroll over here why don’t we. haha.
He fell and face planted into a book. But didn’t even cry.
So now I’m double emotional because
I have this giant 9.5 month old baby wanting to walk…
and a 10 year old.
hold me. haha.

Hope you are all having a wonderful week and enjoy our fun toy haul video!
We have a lot of videos lined up to share with you guys.
My “semi-moved in home tour” video is coming soon too!
If you are a fan of snooping in on how people do family life, get creative, and
decorate their home be sure to Subscribe!

  • Aimee
    August 30, 2018 at 2:09 pm

    Happy birthday, Sophia! I’ve been following along since she was just a babe… hard to believe she’s 10 already. I love reading your posts, and excited that you’re posting more often now that you’re getting settled in.