Lovely ways to Display Christmas Cards

December 11, 2009

DIY IDEAS…time to get creative with those Christmas Cards!
I love getting christmas cards..but i’m wanting a better way to display them than the fridge..which i don’t like to clutter up.. or mantle..which doesn’t have enough space! Your friends and family take the time to postage on..and mail these things!! so i want to have a special place to display them during the holiday season. free decor! :)

1. String them up with Ribbon!
ideas via apartment therapy
over the door

across the mantle

on the wall

across a door frame

2. Making a Card Tree

Tools and Materials
Galvanized florist’s bucket or other container
Assorted ribbons
Christmas cards
Hole punch
26-gauge wire

3. Shutter Display

4. An Elaborate Display!

Our attempt at a Christmas Card photo!
oh the powers of self timers…..
this was a crazy idea…we gave up half way and just started getting silly! sophia would only sit still if she had a cookie in her hand..didn’t eat it..just let it melt chocolate everywhere…and then she wanted to wear my headband……

thank goodness for photoshop…

i’ll post what we ended up with soon!

  • Linda
    December 11, 2009 at 10:59 pm

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Yours is exqusite! Great ideas and so interesting. I will be stopping by often!