Monster Rocks Craft

September 18, 2019

I love getting into the Holidays with the kids  and this easy Monster Rocks craft was the perfect project to help us get ready for all the Halloween fun!
Sienna rounded up some rocks from the backyard and, after the little boys went to bed, the big kids and I sat around the kitchen table and painted them! That’s the first step in turning your rocks into cute little monsters. ;)
Today I’m sharing the supplies we used to create these festive little monsters and how you can do it too!
They are so cute all lined up on our mantle! The kids each claimed one as their favorite and were coming up with names.
We don’t go too spooky in our house… we do more of the fun and spooky in our house. The only decor that’s dead and scary are my plants on the front porch right now! haha! I need to plant some fresh mums that I haven’t  forgotten to water. ;)

Rocks. (We found ours in the backyard.)
Craft Paint. (We got our colors from Target!)
Pom Poms (These are Halloween ones from the Walmart but all craft stores have some sort of variety!)
Googly Eyes (I believe I found these at Walmart!)
Paint Marker (I got a white and black one from Hobby Lobby)
Hot Glue Gun
Yarn/Ribbon (I got ours from Walmart!)

Just paint your rocks and let dry…
Once they are ready you can go to town adding personality to your monster rocks!
We did the googly eyes and pom poms…and then had fun with yarn/ribbon for hair!

These little monster rocks would be so cute as favors if you were hosting a Halloween Playdate! Have them all lined up for the kiddos. Everyone could pick one out and name it. You could even have a cute bio they fill out about their new pet monster! Write it’s favorite thing to do, favorite candy and favorite snack. ;) Have fun with it!

Tag us on Instagram if you end up making your own crew of monster rocks up – my kids would love to see!
Instagram: @athomewithnatalie
(PS……the felt pumpkins are from Target bargain bins and the velvet ones are from Michael’s! ;)