Moving 101: Tips, Lessons Learned and Fun Stuff + Life lately

June 17, 2010

been busy lately trying to organize and pack up the house for the big move!! 
sophia is very eager to help with the whole moving process…..

here’s some tips and fun stuff having to do with moving that i’ve come across and since that’s all i’m thinking about right now…thought i would share. i know a lot of you through conversation are moving, soon to move or just do share any tips you have found as well! moving is a known pain in the “tooshy”…so lets share the wisdom ladies. :)

1.) Never Pay for boxes! Look on craigslist or visit your local liquor store! via we were able to find a great family right by where we work who just moved into the neighborhood 3 weeks earlier and had a ton of boxes taking over their garage. We just had to cut them down and they were ours for free! We now have plenty of boxes for the move and all it cost was some tape! just make sure they are in good condition before you take them and you are good to go!

2.) i have always wanted to send out a cute note/graphic announcing the move… these prints from are great!!! i’ll most likely put something together and shoot it out in an e-mail…but for those of you who don’t have a good design program(or don’t want the hassle) these are great and some of them are very affordable.

3. ) Colored Magic Markers. I love this tip from flylady!! 

I use colored ones so that I can give each room a different color and that way, when we are unloading the truck, all I have to say is: “Yellow boxes go in the kitchen, green in the bedroom, purple in the living room, etc”. Then you can post the color of boxes over the top of the doorway to that room. I have also used colored ribbon to tie around the garbage bags. Stickers and markers usually don’t work, because they either fall off, or you can’t see them. Clothes are usually in these bags, so raid your sewing stash for old ribbon or your Christmas stash for Christmas ribbon. It is cheap and easy to recognize. Decide ahead of time what your color codes are going to be and put those supplies in the room. Just don’t label all the boxes “Misc” (or “Stuff” and “More Stuff”)! You can also give the boxes a number and put the contents of that box on your notepad, so you can find where the item is without tearing open each and every box – and creating even more CHAOS!”

4.) Pack only what you want to move. we de-cluttered a lot when we had the house up on the market…but now that we are packing i’m wanting to de-clutter even more (give away/get rid of) stuff so we don’t have to move it with us. it’s very freeing. i have at least 7 bags of clothes to give away to my brother-in-law’s inner city ministry…and then the “junk/stuff” that we didn’t sell at our garage sale is being dropped off at goodwill or sold on

5.) Packing mom gave me the great advice to pack up our dishes with towels..and when i run out of that and the leftover bubble wrap i saved from the last move…. there was this great tip from a flylady member: Newsprint (the paper that newspaper is printed on, but it is blank) isn’t terribly expensive and is available at most places that sell packing stuff. It is MUCH better for your dishes and other items, because you don’t have to worry about the ink rubbing off. I bought two boxes at $13 each, and have most of the second box left over. I have two sets of china and two “everyday” dishes, to give you an idea of how far it goes. 

6.) Pack an immediate use box. here’s some tips found via
“Small, random but important items like cell phone chargers, a couple glasses, plates, forks, alarm clock and anything you’ll need within 24 hours of moving. Throw a small lamp in, too, as many old buildings are without overhead lighting and you might be left in the dark.” I would also have a cleaning supplies/tools box set aside as well for the projects/cleaning you plan on doing asap.

Life lately..

the other day i went out to lunch with my 3 sister-in-laws and a friend..and was just expecting some girl time but they showed up with gifts for the new baby!! it was so sweet of them and i was really surprised. i guess since this baby is due the same month sophia was born….i didn’t expect to get anything from people for her! but i came home with the goodies and sophia was more then happy to help me open the presents. :)
she thought it was all for her….and she wanted to show it all off to daddy. i’ve never seen a child so excited about a thing of diapers and wipes.
the present that was actually for her was a cute baby gap headband and that was a hit! anything girly she loves. i need to get her some fake makeup so she will stop trying to use mine……not good.

i’m linking up to these parties for thursday! link up ladies!

  • Candhl @ Adventures of a Super Family
    June 16, 2010 at 10:53 pm

    Ohhh her headband is SO cute!!

    You listed most everything I can think of when preparing for a move. Something that worked great for us was I went to the dollar store and bought paper plates,plasticwear and plastic cupps to use after everything was packed so we didnt have to break down and eat out much! Also, be sure your cleaning supplies are the last thing you pack if you plan to clean the old house before you leave for the last time, I always keep a trash can to put my cleaning supplies and rags in to take to the new house!

    I can’t wait to see more photos of your new home! I LOVE old houses they have so much character!!

  • Sarah
    June 16, 2010 at 11:23 pm

    Thanks for the moving tips! We will be moving again soon and I am still no expert… it always overwhelms me! I’m so excited for you guys and the new house!

  • Norell@Serendipity's Cottage
    June 16, 2010 at 11:38 pm

    I am new to your blog & love reading about your life and the big move. We have moved more than 12 times since we got married (an average of once every 2 1/2 -3 years). I love this advice and wish I had it a long time ago. It took me until our last move to figure these suggestions out on my own. The immediate use box and colored markers are life savers!!!

    I also have to say that your daughter is so adorable that I go crazy every time I see a photo of her. Those dimples and curly hair are so perfect with her sparkly eyes. Makes me wish I were having grandchildren NOW!!!

    Good luck with the move and I can’t wait to see the new little one.

  • Sarah
    June 17, 2010 at 12:07 am

    Best tip ever – put the bed in the moving truck last so it comes out first, and insist that it be set up and made immediately. When you’re done at the end of the day & all you want to do is drop into your bed, you’ll be able to. Also, make sure to have a first aid kit where you can get to it easily & don’t forget to set aside TP, paper towels, handsoap, paper plates & cups for use on moving day.

  • Margaret Brame
    June 17, 2010 at 7:58 am

    Something that I learned the hard way is to go to the grocery store immediately and fill the fridge. During our big move we ate out for almost a week solid, because I didn’t make grocery shopping priority. Remembering to eat healthy even in a busy time can sometimes be challenging!

    Okay and that headband is just too darn cute! i’m going to have to find one!

  • Kelli
    June 17, 2010 at 11:06 am

    Those are really great tips…especially about color coding the rooms! How sweet that they brought gifts at lunch…very sweet!

  • Jen M
    June 17, 2010 at 11:52 am

    Boxes on craigslist? Smart smart SMART! Thanks for the tip!!!

    I also love the color-coded room idea from FlyLady.

    Great post…and timely for our entire neighborhood, it seems. :)

  • The Neffs
    June 17, 2010 at 12:57 pm

    Goodluck with all the moving.

    Having done that in Jan. being 7 months preggo I can really symphathize.

    You had some great tips. There really is an art to moving to because as an army wife I am practically and expert! lol


  • ...::Heather @ Mrs. Southern Bride::...
    June 17, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    Those are cute moving announcements! :) We would usually go to local department stores like JC Penny’s, and sometimes even Wal-Mart would give us their leftover boxes. :)

  • Gina
    June 17, 2010 at 8:09 pm

    Awesome tips! Moving is on the mind of everyone lately…I just helped Mike & Ana Hahn move yesterday into their brand new house! They did a good job packing and these tips are going to help me with my move in July!!

  • Angie S
    June 17, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    Great moving tips…I can almost smell the boxes. I hate packing them, but I love the smell of boxes…heehee! Strange I know.

    Your little tooter is such a cutie…a breath of fresh air :)

  • alli/hooray
    June 18, 2010 at 11:41 am

    Didn’t get a chance to comment on this before, but I just had to mention how cute Sophia is helping with moving boxes + opening gifts. My niece is the same kind of helper-bee – I’m sure Sophia will love being a big sister.

  • Christina GC
    June 19, 2010 at 7:35 am

    We are an active family and have tons of tshirts. My sister suggested we use the tshirts (many of which were in a box for a future quilt project) to pack the kitchen. Works great!!!
    Also keeping clothes on the hangers and then taking kitchen garbage bags to cover the groups of clothes. We also used zip ties for the hangers to keep them tightly bound. Makes putting the closet back together a sinch ;)