My New Favorite Product to Fight Funky Smells!

December 5, 2019

For all the funky smells you deal with in life….I found a product you are gonna LOVE! I feel extra sensitive to smells these days with baby on the way so I’m gonna take all the help I can get to battle the stink! I’m dealing with Hunter diaper blow outs, occasional bed wetters, smelly exercise clothes, STANKY bathrooms from having boys, to the kids’ stinky shoes (OH the school shoes!!)….We’ve been using FunkAway to fight the funk and I’ve been telling everyone about it!

I first started using their Odor Eliminating Beads hidden away in the downstairs bathroom…. if you have toddler boys, or just little boys in general haha, then you know the stinky bathroom struggle is real!! I was SO HAPPY with how it helped – I even grabbed the product to show friends when they were over for our house for a party haha.
) There’s a spray and a laundry detergent that we’ve been using. My husband was actually the first one to put the product to the test with some of his laundry and was impressed so I was excited to share this with you guys! I love my people but wow they can get stinky. haha. If you have kiddos into sports….the Aerospray would come in so handy for them to spray their gear before they get into your car! Your husband’s clothes just a little harder to get odor out of?? Use the Laundry Detergent Booster!

Unlike most flowery sprays that cover up odors…FunkAway breaks them down until they no longer exist! It’s safe for pets, plant-based, non-toxic and hypoallergenic!!!

If you want to get real technical…. their unique compound comes to your rescue when dealing with bad odors. It encases the odor molecules in a bubble, breaks them down and eliminates them. Sound like something you might like in your life? I thought you might! haha. I love sharing affordable and mom sanity saving products with you all!

Thank you to FunkAway for sponsoring today’s post – I’m so glad we discovered you guys!!!
I really feel like the Odor Eliminating Beads product should be a stocking stuffer for moms this year! ;)

  • Paige Cassandra Flamm
    December 5, 2019 at 2:42 pm

    Oh we totally need to try this! With a dog and kids, there is definitely a lot to be combating over here!


  • Terri Lewin
    December 7, 2019 at 11:01 am

    This stuff really works. We bought their beads and keep it in our laundry room and it smells perfect!