Organic Throat Soothing Lollipops for Your Sick Kids!

December 12, 2018

It’s the season of runny noses and a three year old
wiping said runny nose on your pants.
I legit thought Asher was giving me a sweet snuggly hug on my leg the other day.
Nope. Just using me as a tissue. haha.
Good thing he’s cute!
I wanted to share with you guys something that I offered my kids to
help their sore throats and they LOVED IT.
When your kids feel yuck, you just want to help make them feel better!
Lolleez is an organic throat-soothing lollipop that you can feel comfortable giving you child!

Thanks so much Lolleez for the perfectly timed mail day…
these arrived right when we were dealing with sickies.
(Hang in there mamas if your little ones aren’t feeling so well.)
These would be great to have on hand as we head into the Holidays!
No one wants to feel sick on Christmas!

It’s a mom created and owned company! Which makes my heart happy.
Love that this mama saw a problem in her own motherhood and solved it with her own product!
What makes Lolleez different are the ingredients.
It’s made from USDA Certified Organic ingredients and ingredients you can
ACTUALLY pronounce and understand- like organic honey and natural fruit pectin.
They are also Non-GMO as well as gluten, dairy and nut free.
I know some girls on my instagram mentioned that they were
looking for an option that covered those bases so there you go!
She seriously has thought of everything……
the lollipops are flat and on a stick versus a ball, which is a potential choking hazard.
They come in three flavors that my kids were giddy over choosing.
Watermelon, Strawberry and Orange Mango.
I’m gonna say Strawberry was the crowd favorite. Who knew being sick could be so fun. ;)

Momeez Choice, the parent company of Lolleez just announced the birth of
sibling brand, Tumeez, Organic Tummy Soothing Lollipops for Kids!
Tumeez was created to help ease and relieve heartburn, acid indigestion and an upset tummy.
There have been times I wish I had something like this for my kids!
You can get Tumeez  at select CVS drugstores and on Amazon.
It is a USDA Certified Organic, worry-free way to help make being sick a little less crummy.
The pops are also Non-GMO as well as gluten, dairy and nut free.

I’m excited to be able to gift one of you guys with your own box of Lolleez supplies
as we carry on through this sick season!
(November through February are always rough.)
1. Head to their instagram… @LOLLEEZ_POPS
2. Follow them and tell them @athomewithnatalie told you about them!
3. DM if you message them
and I’ll save your entry
4. Sending them a winner via those DM’s on Tuesday!
GOOD LUCK and sending all the stay well wishes your way. ;)