Our Decision to Homeschool

September 8, 2014

This is not a post I planned on writing! I was homeschooled from 2nd grade through high school— loved it — minus the first two years of high school where my private school friends would give me the school promo packets and I would leave them all around the house for my parents to see— but I never planned on homeschooling my own kids one day. Ben and I always knew that we wanted to try out the education programs available in our area and had home schooling as a back up plan If we didn’t like what was offered in our area.
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Last year, when we lived in pittsburgh, both Sophia and Sienna went to a private school. And we liked it! This year, we moved down to charlotte mid school year and instead of putting her into school with a couple months left, my mom offered to homeschool sophia. She was already teaching my nephew who is a year older than sophia. It was so fun for them!

We signed up Sophia to go to the local public school. It was so close and we really wanted to try it out. We also signed up Sienna for a 5 days a week preschool program at a local church. Deep down I was lovingggg the idea of having two of the three kiddos off at school during the day so I could get some stuff done while micah napped! It sounded amazing and I was excited for their connections with the teacher and their classmates.

We are a couple weeks into the school year. And since day one I had a knot in my stomach. Just praying that we would be making the right decision for our kids. I absolutely adore Sienna’s preschool. It’s AMAZING. She loves it… still has some days she gets nervous and says she doesn’t want to go.. but when I pick her up she is skipping and singing I wuv my teacher I wuv my schooooool. Love that place so far and their education program.

Sophia is a little more of a gentle soul. She was shy at her old school but loved it still. First grade is a whole new ball game though. A lot more work and less play. From the second day it was clear she was not loving it. But that didn’t make me think twice about not sending her. I know it takes time for relationships to form and for adjustment to the routine. I get that.
I went to the back to school night and just wasn’t impressed. I didn’t see a place where I was like yessss this is where she is supposed to be! And that knot in my stomach kept on bugging me.
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It only took me these two weeks to realize that our family life was a lot different than I grew up with. I had something to compare it too since my childhood was so different. This was a lot different than I imagined for my family..even though I didn’t imagine home schooling either. I dropped off Sophia in the am.. and picked her up late afternoon with an hour before dinner.. bath bed. Most of her days this year are going to be spent at school. I traded those hours with her for what? To not worry about her education? To be able to work at home without the crazy kids?

I was out with some girlfriends the other night and we were talking about the whole back to school schedule. Some were rejoicing in the alone time.. and I wanted to jump on that.. a part of me was loving it.. but I just said.. It feels weird. That was the first time I
said anything out loud semi negative towards our new routine. “It feels.. weird.”
And another mom looked at my and said yes natalie. it’s weird.
It’s what some families have to do.. and want to do.. but for me…
I just didn’t know if this was what was right for this year and for our family.
I believe homeschooling is kid by kid. It’s not for everyone but it is more approachable than you think. I can say that because I grew up with it.

I started praying that God would give me peace about what His path was for us.
If we were supposed to do this daily school grind then please give me that grace to push on and peace to know this was the right choice for my kids.
I was driving home from dropping off Sienna (who I drop off after sophia) and I started thinking….. this isn’t the lifestyle I imagined for my family.
This isn’t the way I want our day and interactions with each other to be.
I didn’t need to test out another 2 weeks to know that this wasn’t what I wanted.
But I did need that experience for myself before I would
be willing to say to myself..and out loud…. I want to Homeschool.
boom. peace. knot in my stomach completely gone.
Still a little anxious about whether or not I could do it, but regardless of what you fill your day up with…the days are full. for everyone. I don’t know many people that say oh there is just too much time in the day! Everyone, regular school moms + homeschooling moms, run out of time in the day. It’s how we schedule our days and strategize them, no matter what the tasks, that will help make us be able to succeed!

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I think it’s important to challenge your kids and let them know you shouldn’t give up when it’s hard. I see that Sophia finds her new class routine hard. But I think this is too big of a life choice to chalk it up to “we can’t let her give up!”… I can teach her that same life lesson in other ways. I can help challenge her and put her in experiences and activities that take her a little out of her comfort zone. So that wasn’t a burden on my heart.

We love sienna’s preschool program and think she is thriving there. So we are going to keep her there for those 4 hours a day. I think that Sophia would thrive if I tutored her along with the help of my mom, who still tutors my nephew every morning. I probably wouldn’t feel as confident if it wasn’t for my mom being so close and having all of the lesson plans done and ready from doing first grade with my nephew last year. We have a schedule. I seriously have every minute of the day scheduled. Because I know that if this is going to work… I need a plan. I have her lessons planned out for every day for the full year so we can know what she has to learn and how many days we have to do it! The books my mom uses are amazing.. she brought them over and I love them. She even brought over her lesson schedule paper she prints out for each week (SAME ONE I used growing up homeschooling. haha. tried and true method.) She gave me that boost of confidence to feel like I could do this. And I’m excited for that daily time she is going to have with her granddaughter as well. My mom is so patient and kind and loves to see the kids learn…. it’s going to be a special year for sophia and my mom. which makes my heart happy.
I’m going to have set times and lessons I do with Sophia each day, and then an afternoon lesson with both Sophia and Sienna(after pre-k.) I’m excited! Being a work at home mom it’s important to have set times to work and set times to NOT WORK. haha. And even though when you own your own blog and company you are “always on.”…. Having those set times help you to get more done when it’s go time.

I’ll have 3 hours a day where I’ll just have micah. That’s right during his nap time… so that will be my go to work time. Running a business from home and parenting is hard. Even without school decisions in the mix. But it is possible. and it’s even more doable when you have a plan. My life is on paper right now… and this new schedule isn’t going to be easy.. but it is going to be right. It’s going to be the most thriving environment for my kids and our family life.

One of the main words I grew up hearing when it came to home schooling was SOCIAL.
Are they going to know how to be social?… What does that mean exactly?
Are they going to know how to interact with others? Are they going to be shy, unconfident, hide in the corner, weirdly dressed kids who don’t take the initiative or lead? As a homeschooler I would like to say that I’m proof that isn’t the case. Most of my friends growing up were a group of completely normal homeschooled kids and non homeschooled kids. There are plenty of kids socially awkward that aren’t homeschooled. I know there are strange homeschoolers..I get that. But I think that is more on their family lifestyle and choices. I grew up in a family that encouraged us to be vocal and interact with people. We traveled the world and met new and interesting people all the time. We experienced things that other kids that were in a classroom couldn’t. Two of my siblings went to regular high school after homeschooling. I went to college and did fine. If anything I think homeschooling helped me to learn how to interact with people that weren’t in my age group. I wasn’t with the same age group and people every day. I played sports for local school teams. I did church programs that led me to be an international speaker….traveling around the states and even flying me to Ireland to speak at a youth conference. Homeschooling didn’t keep me reserved and unsocial. I think how I was homeschooled pushed me to dream big and be vocal.

Being social doesn’t happen by just being in a classroom with kids every day.
You are able to be social by how and who and where you interact with people! It’s the experiences you collect on the day to day in many different types of situations that help you know how to interact with people and how to act as a person! A lot is on the parents. Especially when your kids are little. You are the one that helps your kids foster relationships with people.. taking them places..inviting people over… signing them up for new and challenging experiences!
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I never thought I would be doing this.
And It’s not going to be easy.
But I’m so excited about being more involved in my children growing into the people
they are supposed to be. It’ll come with good days and bad days with them…
But I’m excited to HAVE those days with them.

Just like my childhood of homeschooling, we are taking it one year at a time.
If, in the future, we find a school that fits with the lifestyle we want for our family
and our needs, then we would consider it. But for now, this is the path we are
being led to take. Going into it with peace and trust.
Excited to share this decision with all of you!
Expect some homeschool themed posts and heart sharing!

  • Ashlyn
    September 8, 2014 at 12:23 pm

    Natalie, you’ve totally inspired me to look into homeschooling my daughter. I’m 30 weeks pregnant with her, but I’m thinking so far ahead in the future of the kind of lifestyle I want for my family. I wasn’t homeschooled, and I’m glad you addresses the social aspect that many people have about homeschooling because it was a concern of mine, too. Thanks for sharing this! You’re amazing. :)

  • Cassandra
    September 8, 2014 at 12:36 pm

    Your words made me smile. Your decision is so much like my own. I was homeschooled from 1st through 12th grade and I hear all the time “but you’re too normal to be a homeschooler. ” My husband and I chose to homeschool this year and I completely agree with the reasons you gave for homeschooling your own family. Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to watching your family grow together through this change. You’re going to rock it! Here’s my post about our decision to homeschool http://www.raisingupstones.com/please-dont-judge-our-choice-to-homeschool/

  • Molly
    September 8, 2014 at 12:44 pm

    Oh this touches my heart. I was homeschooled K-12 and loved it. I felt like I was missing out on some social aspects, but looking back at what I got to do that my friends didn’t, was totally worth it. Now having a first grader, my heart is heavy every morning I drag him out of bed. He loves it, but I miss our time together and he’s already bored with what he’s learning. Homeschooling is definitely in our thoughts right now. I’ll look forward to seeing how your schedule keeps it all going! I may need a lesson from you!

  • Meagan
    September 8, 2014 at 12:44 pm

    I’m a substitute teacher for public schools. I got my teaching credential and planned to teach in public schools until my life took me down another path. I’m a big believer in public schools. I expected to read this post and disagree with you. But when you said you had a knot in your stomach, you had me. I’ve had that knot too. You have to trust it. When you said your mom would be doing it and it made your heart happy. I related to that feeling too. I know you are sleeping well at night with this decision. Isn’t that feeling nice?!

  • Elizabeth Trull
    September 8, 2014 at 12:45 pm

    This is awesome. Good job trusting your mama instincts and knowing that educational choices aren’t one size fits all. When I got pregnant with my son, I just knew I wanted to homeschool him. Almost 7 years later, he is in public first grade and I couldn’t be happier with that decision. If we hadn’t sent him to public school, we may never have discovered his sensory processing issues. It’s definitely something we’ll reevaluate from time to time though to make sure it’s still the right decision for him. Thank you for being so open and sharing your story with us.

  • Lorrie
    September 8, 2014 at 12:48 pm

    So excited for you and your family as you embark on this journey. This is my fourth year homeschooling as we looooove it! I look forward to reading more posts about homeschooling from you. I am curious to know which books you/your mom are using?!?!?

  • Kimberly
    September 8, 2014 at 12:49 pm

    Sounds like the perfect fit for her at the moment. It’s wonderful that you have the experience and support from your mom as well!!! I totally understand the stereotypes that come along with the word homeschool. My brother and SIL decided to homeschool their children. They definitely do not have any social problems and the older kids have grown into well adjusted adults in college and the workforce. Looking forward to hearing more about your journey.

  • Emily @ My Love for Words
    September 8, 2014 at 1:09 pm

    This brought tears to my eyes because I can totally relate. I never imagined myself homeschooling either, and we just started our first year (kindergarten for my daughter). I wish I’d had the confidence to follow my instincts years ago when my stepson (now 12) was in kindergarten. We would’ve been spared a lot of hard years trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. Congrats on your new adventure, and I hope you share more as you go. It would be fun to follow along as another new to homeschooling mama.

  • Valerie
    September 8, 2014 at 1:29 pm

    I agree, the shift from kindergarten to first grade is a change…. A pretty huge change for little ones. My daughter went to kindergarten at a school that I LOVED LOVED LOVED- and she also LOVED LOVED LOVED! Then we moved during the summer, and we are now in a different school district and I too, by the second day of school noticed she wasn’t really excited. She would make little comments that she missed her old school and she missed the old library. That to me said she wasn’t comfortable. Then I went to curriculum night at the school and not one thing about anything they had to say excited me. We are now looking to move again! Back to the other school district! So her and I can be at peace! :)

  • Emily Schell
    September 8, 2014 at 1:39 pm

    Hi Natalie! I just want to say that I am so excited and relieved for you! I know the feeling of coming to the schooling age and being faced with the decision you have to make of sending them to public school or homeschooling. It was a little easier for me because my mother in law did such an amazing job with her kids that I knew it’s what I wanted for mine as well…I just had to come to terms with myself that I COULD DO THIS. Seeing how my husband and his siblings have turned out as completely successful and thriving adults makes me so excited for my children. They love it already. I pray that God gives you the grace and wisdom to complete all of your daily tasks, work and school, and to be able to be at peace at the end of the day! If you ever want to do a homeschool get together, my kids and I are right outside of Charlotte ;) Have fun!!!

  • Emily Schell
    September 8, 2014 at 1:52 pm

    Hi Natalie! I am so excited and relieved for you in your decision to homeschool! I went to public school and my husband and 10 siblings were homeschooled. Seeing how my mother in law does and did home school them, definitely made my decision to pretty easy. My husband and his siblings are also proof that you can be homeschooled and still be extremely social and highly functioning and successful and the world. There a lot better at it than me, haha. Seeing my mother and law and her relationship with her children because of the time she got to spend with them amazes me. I knew i wanted that. Also, the life skills I see that they all have gained really sold me because that’s something I didn’t get from regular schooling. For you, I pray that God gives you supernatural grace and wisdom in how you orchestrate your day, between schooling and work. I pray that at the end of the day you can rest in peace knowing that you submitted to God’s will for your family and made the right choices out of obedience to Him! Have fun and enjoy the time you get with your littles!! If you ever want to have a homeschool meet up, my kids and I are right outside of Charlotte ;)

  • Susana
    September 8, 2014 at 2:11 pm

    Such an amazing post! Our family will be praying for you guys! We have decided to homeschool our family too. I know it isn’t going to be easy… but the peace I feel in my heart is so worth it. I’m a Teaching Assistant for Mother of Divine Grace homeschool program. If you want any more information on the program I’d be happy to chat! They have a set curriculum and book list for kindergarden through 12th grade. But they also have so much room for creativity. Plus…they are so wonderfully Catholic :) Thanks again for this post!

  • Ann Colletta
    September 8, 2014 at 2:16 pm

    Yay! welcome to the homeschool community! we started our journey last year when I pulled my 1st and 5th grader out of school…..we did not like the curriculum and our district is being over run with Bullies and drugs (especially in the junior high that my son would be in) we did leave the 2 high schoolers in school (this is their senior year). Good Luck on your journey…you are going to LOVE it!!! And the kids are going to thrive… no need to hold them back until the whole class understands something :-) and NEVER underestimate yourself ….. I am the MOST unorganized person I know and I am doing it ( and well!!!) Have fun that’s the best advice I can give you….that and be flexible….. if something isn’t going exactly as planned, move on. God Bless!

  • Camille
    September 8, 2014 at 2:25 pm

    Always follow your heart. You know what’s best for your precious children. You are very fortunate and blessed to have your mom and the role she plays in your life. I home schooled my two children all the way. They did not attend school until college. They both graduated and are working now. They tell me often how they appreciate the life we have had together. I believe that college was easier for them because it was a new experience to be in a classroom and they were anxious to learn even more. They attended class and thrived while their classmates partied and skipped class and eventually many of them dropped out. I am grateful my children earned scholarships which helped them with expenses. Many of their friends who were “gifted” in school actually lost their scholarships in college. As I always tell them, stay focused and you will accomplish great things!! God bless you and your family!!

  • Imperfectly Wonderful
    September 8, 2014 at 2:26 pm

    Way to follow your gut! You know what is best for your family, but sometimes it is hard to go with your instinct because it is against the social pressures we face everyday. Wishing you the best of luck on this new adventure. I am sure your children are going to love this extra special time they get to spend with you and their grandmother. They grow so fast and we can’t get the time back no matter how hard we try.

  • Rhea
    September 8, 2014 at 2:39 pm

    Great decision to follow your heart. You can also do field trips with other home schoolers as well. I have also changed our routine just for school and daycare. Lots of driving… No matter what we will move mountains for our kids. Hugs

  • Jess
    September 8, 2014 at 3:41 pm

    Thank you so much for this. These words really encouraged me.

  • Christine
    September 8, 2014 at 3:50 pm

    double thumbs up! This day in age it’s hard to know which path to take when there are so many different options and opinions. We just gotta pray and listen to that still small voice and trust the Holy Spirit is guiding us! I’m excited to see future posts on this. We hope to homeschool or do a hybrid school when that time comes.

  • Emily@Decorchick
    September 8, 2014 at 5:31 pm

    So excited for you!! I never thought I would do it either, but here it is our first time too starting kinder. It’s actually been great so far and I’m so thankful we aren’t doing the hustle and bustle of regular school. We may not have gotten out of our Jammie’s for 5 days now, but it’s been totally worth it. Good luck Mama!

  • Shannon
    September 8, 2014 at 8:06 pm

    I’ve been mauling over homeschooling for a year now. My oldest just started first grade. The knot hasn’t gone away in a year, but I’m too nervous to jump. I really don’t know what “program” would be best. I have no homeschooling experience to go off of. Does your mom use a specific program or did she create her own?

  • Val@ChickenScratch
    September 8, 2014 at 8:16 pm

    Congrats on making a wonderful decision for your family. I’ve just recently faced (with my oldest) the decision on preschools and what age to start. All people have different opinions… but what it most important is knowing in your gut as Mama what it right for your child and your family. I have been feeling such a sigh of relief with our decision for this year so I can only imagine how uplifted you feel to have said YES to the decision that is right your you all. You are so in tune with family life and your children. I admire you for that and am for ever inspired you.

  • Andria
    September 9, 2014 at 12:00 am

    This is my first comment, though I’ve loved your blog for years now, but I wanted to say how excited I am for you as you set out to listening to your heart and to make the choice to homeschool. I think I can totally relate to your story, never planning on homeschooling, but nearly driven to do so because of that quiet, still voice in my heart (not to mention that I was a public middle school teacher for 8 years before I resigned to stay home and be a mom). I had no idea you were a homeschool kid yourself, and feel a tiny bit envious of that experience, coupled with the fact that your mom is helping you out so much as you embark into homeschooling–what a support!

    I agree that homeschool/public school is deeply personal and individual, but from the success you have demonstrated with your blog, and your marriage, and your faith, and your commitment to your family and children, I’m encouraged by your story as a homeschool kid as I start my third year homeschool with my 2nd grader and preschooler! Best wishes and blessings to you and your family!

  • Betsy
    September 9, 2014 at 12:35 am

    Way to go mama!!! I can only imagine how big a decision that was! Thank you for sharing your heart and this journey with us! This was so inspirational! I’m just starting preschool with my oldest (3year old) and am so excited! I can already see not wanting to stop after this year. I felt like you did…so at peace with the decision once I made it and that pit in my stomach about having to send her off into the world so young went away. I would love to know more about your schedule, materials, and even see your lesson plan template (if you mom is willing to share). Please, pretty please. ;-) I’m so excited for your family and the special time you will have together.

  • Marcie
    September 9, 2014 at 8:36 am

    This is wonderful! I’m considering it for my 3 year old. Thank you for sharing! I would love it if you might share more about what curriculum you chose and how you are scheduling your days. Maybe a day in the life post down the road. Good luck!

  • Jesenia
    September 9, 2014 at 8:43 am

    I know that feeling all too well and followed my heart three years ago. I now homeschool while working from home. There will be hard days, but the good ones will outweigh them and your heart will be full. You got this mama, praying for you and your little ones.

  • Sarah
    September 10, 2014 at 12:21 am

    Beautifully put! Thanks for sharing your story and the process that brought you to this point. I’ve been following you for a while now and am really excited to see you will be homeschooling! You’re going to be amazing! Welcome to the “second generation” homeschoolers club :)

  • Allie
    September 10, 2014 at 1:14 am

    My child isn’t old enough for school yet but I already have that knot in my stomach. When the time gets closer, I’m going to ask her what she would like to do. If she wants to try private school, then that’s okay. If not, I will definitely homeschool her which I’m pretty sure will happen.

  • Brenda @Schooling a Monkey
    September 10, 2014 at 2:05 am

    You’re so awesome and organized at everything, I’m sure you’ll rock this, too!

  • Kim
    September 10, 2014 at 11:39 pm

    We are in our second year of hs and love it most days. right now we are working on getting morning chores and breakfast done in a timely manner, then a bit of school, the gym and more school during nap time. Kids: 2 girls 8 and 5. 2 boys 2 and 6 months (maybe your fourth will be a boy too?! not that your expecting but have seen that you want more babies!)

  • julia-tagandtibby
    September 16, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    Hi! We recently moved to Charlotte and I came across your blog through Moriah. Isn’t it amazing how God works! He changed my heart about something too (though opposite of you in a way) to send our youngest to public school with her brother this year. After I worked through the emotions of it I’ve had a continual peace. They are both enjoying it and I get to volunteer there alot. And its been a good way for me to meet moms. Anyway, I wanted to say how awesome it is that God placed this on your heart. Both of my sister in laws homeschool :)