VIDEO- Moms’ Night Out @Target

September 4, 2014

I’m really thankful that I’ve found some great friends here in charlotteĀ that I’m
able to do motherhood with. They lift me up and when you are in the daily grind of motherhood it’s so important to have that community!

Life has been extra busy now with back to school and growing HAPPY MOMMY BOX.
I can’t believe we are coming up on our one year of starting it in november!! Crazy!
So excited and exhausted at the same time! We’ve been working our bums off for it and can’t wait to share more of what’s to come for HAPPY MOMMY BOX!

With all the stress of life lately, some adult conversations and
super mature behavior was very much needed. haha.
I’m so thankful for a hubby who said GO and took over bath and bed time so I could have some good conversation and silly times at Target with some of my friends.

I pretty much live at target. When I tell the kids we gotta run an errand they ask to go there.
It’s their happy place too.Ā It’s fun going kidless though…
We first went to panera for dinner then walked over to Target.
We closed down the store. haha.
HopeĀ our videoĀ makes you smile! #goofballs #meg_almostpeedlaughing
target night out

Going out with mom friends can give you that boost and refresh that you need!
Next time you’re in target with your girlfriends you better INSTAGRAM me a dance! ;)
ps. those tanks behind us in the above photos.. go get one! I have 4. And It’s probably one of the most mentioned product shares in my inbox right now! Since I shared it on IG, everyone who snags one loves them! #justatip

My little ones have seriously grown up this summer. Micah is a little man and chatting up a storm with me. “I wanna go” Ā “yes” and “I want dis” are his favorite things to say. My girls feel like little ladies lately. They love art projects and coloring. We do makeup a lot too and they look FAB mamas… fierce eyeshadow going on. I can have the funniest and sweetest conversations with my girls now. And I’ve been loving hearing how they talk to each other. Sophia learned at school a couple days ago about feelings and being kind and having good behavior. I heard her telling Sienna all about it and how “we need to be responsible” haha.
They were chatting and being so serious like yes. we have to be wesponsible.
I still need to share their first day of school photos. Cuteness overload. Makes me want to cry! They seriously are just such sweethearts. They drive me bonkers plenty but I love them so much. Seeing how much they’ve grown and how much they are learning just makes me so thankful that I have gotten to be their mommy all these years.
I’m excited for the years to come and seeing them grow even more.


  • Liz
    September 4, 2014 at 3:46 pm

    That video is just the BEST!!! You girls are so much fun!!!