Yes, They Are All Mine!

September 27, 2022

First things first! DISCOUNT CODE! I wanted to make the official blog post with a little special incentive..if you are here reading this you are MY PERSON! And I am so appreciative of you. Some of you guys have been around since the girls were babies and the pink cardboard castle diy days! We have less pink going on these days with our 4 boys haha but still lots of mom life that I hope you can relate to and feel encouraged! Use code: MUSTHAVE to grab, at a discount, your favorite tote bag while they are available in the shop!

I’m excited to share that my Tote Bags are BACK in the Shop! These give me all the feels because they’ve been a part of my blog/etsy journey for years! I made up the original, “Yes, they are all mine” tote bag when Asher was born… once we hit 4 kids it was one of the regular comments made when I took them all out! Which felt kind of silly. Well, you better believe…having 6 now…and some of them almost as tall as me haha…we get that a lot! Yes They Are All Mine – Large Tote Bag

The other classic (and I think much sweeter comment) that we get is the, ‘Wow you have your hands full!” SO it felt like the right time to bring back that classic as well!
Hands Full Heart Full – Large Tote Bag
I tend to grab this one a lot during the week when I just have my two youngest… Hunter and Chase. (2 and 4) They are cutie pies and get all the smiles when we run errands. They’re like little puppies always kind of bouncing around and getting into things haha. So for sure…a hands full situation. ;)

I also created an updated design to my hands full heart full! I’m loving this font right now!
Updated Hands Full Heart Full – Large Tote Bag

We have entered the soccer family season of life – hardcore! haha. We have three boys playing and that’s 4 days a week on the field. We LOVE IT. But it’s also pretty crazy some days. I know there are some of you in that season too and know exactly what I mean. It’s amazing and like WOAH at the same time haha. I’m the keeper of the snacks and I wanted to make a tote bag that was specifically for game days and practices! It honestly makes getting out the door so much easier if I have a designated bag for that. I throw in some books for Chase, all the snacks and we are ready to roll.
Game Day – Large Tote Bag

My Blog’s Etsy shop is where I offer- ever changing- items for your home, motherhood and celebrations! I tend to add new things and discontinue others so be sure to grab something if you like it! It might not come back for a while! (That’s mom life for you. ;) I’m so grateful for every order and every share from you guys. It really means the world to me. It feels like real community when I get to interact with you guys and be a part of your mom life. Like this morning, I got the 4 big kids off to school and while chase slept in (he’s my best sleeper!) I was able to write some thank you notes to include with tote orders. I am enjoying that side of having an Etsy shop. Life right now is wild with family schedules but it’s these creative and connecting moments that just really ground me and fill me up! I hope you enjoy your items as much as I love creating them and shipping them off.

Which tote bag do you like the most? Are you a sports mom?? Do you have 1+ kids and get the hands full comment too?? :) I hope you grab a tote for yourself or to gift to someone you love. Thanks for being here!