My Children’s Book: Mommy Has an Angel – Full Reading

September 22, 2014

I wrote a children’s book called Mommy Has an Angel. I wrote it after the loss of my best friend through an act of Domestic Violence. My hope is that it will give peace to other mothers who are grieving and trying to be a mom at the same time. I really wanted to make this video for months now. But I finally sat down and made it happen yesterday. Grief is a fickle thing… you go through so many phases of how you are dealing with the loss. Since the final court date for Shannon in April… I have had a really hard time not letting my mind go to the horrific details that were shared in the court room. It isn’t until just now that I feel strong enough to have her on my mind. I put her photos back up. I pulled out this book. And even though it makes me tear up, I feel like I am stronger. Back to where I was before the court date and I saw him. Reading this book has always brought me comfort and keep that conversation going about Shannon. I never want my girls to stop asking about her. Even when it’s hard to talk about her. it’s good.


I really wanted to record myself reading the book to my girls, in case someone watching thinks that reading this to their children would bring them comfort, or if someone knows a mom who could use this book. I feel like I’ve grown stronger since it first happened. I remember feeling like I was just in a fog or a dream. It was hard because shannon was an incredible mother, and every time I looked at my kids I thought of the experiences she wasn’t going to get to have with her kids or that we wouldn’t be able to have together as friends and moms… but through my girls’ simple words, they really helped me have peace and realize she is where we all hope to be one day. I miss her like crazy.. and for a while it was hard to let myself think it’s ok to make new friendships. It was in those new friendships that I saw her working. Mandy one of my dear friends who I started HAPPY MOMMY BOX with actually found my blog through a post I wrote on shannon. I like to think she brought us together. And so many of my new friendships have also faced horrible suffering through loss… we each have someone in heaven and it brings some comfort thinking of  them all together up there looking down on us. If you are going through grief right now and feeling isolated or in a blurr…hang in there. be kind to yourself. be patient with yourself. You’ll feel stronger. And even though you’ll never feel the same…you’ll learn to live with that change in your life and hopefully see God’s hand in your life as you walk forward. I know I have. When I was in the hospital and really felt like that mystery pain would never end, I had a moment I felt so close to God and Shannon. like they were right there on top of me helping me get through one of those moments I was screaming out in pain. God is there with you as you face this cross. He hears your cries. Wishing I could hug each of you going through sadness. You aren’t alone!
Love on the sweeties around you. Celebrate your motherhood.
Give yourself grace on those hard days. And find joy in the little things around you.

Here is the video! Thanks for watching and please pass it on to anyone you think might need it.

You can visit MOMMY HAS AN ANGEL.COM to get a copy.

  • Jess Wolstenholm
    September 22, 2014 at 1:44 pm

    Natalie, l loved watching this. Your heart is precious. I lost my mom a year ago and although it’s been so hard to grieve as a mom of small children, I love the conversations it’s opened up about life and even death and heaven. I will be grabbing a copy of this at Influence next week and I hope to hug your neck!! Just beautiful!

  • Lisa W
    September 22, 2014 at 11:03 pm

    Beautiful book — made my heart warm and full xxx

  • Jamie {the celebrating momma}
    September 30, 2014 at 8:00 pm

    beautiful….there are not other words.