My Favorite Books for Babies!

July 25, 2018

I’m passionate about building up our home library and have worked on
gathering some amazing books for my kids to have at their finger tips!
A lot of people ask me for my favorites… and today I’m sharing with you
the titles that I love the most for my baby to 2.5 year old. (They grow with them!)
These are the titles that I started using with my babies (Hunter and Asher) around 5 months.
I always have read to my bigger kids…but honestly,
I have been so much more intentionalĀ since having Asher.
I realized that our home library was pretty lame
and mostly ripped hand me down books or boring ones that I could NOT
handle reading for another time. haha. (YOU KNOW… you know..)

Since making a goal to better stock our book shelves…
I’ve seen a love for reading soar in our house!
We all are more excited about reading and
I feel like that’s my job as their mama…
to foster that excitement!
Hunter is currently 8 months and Asher is 2.5 and these titles are great for both ages.

The main series I want t0 rave about is the ‘That’s Not My’ series.
I am slowly adding ALL of them to our shelves haha!
With over 30+ titles there are so many fun ones to choose from.
I think we have around 20!

I LOVE these books for many reasons, but mostly because they help develop
sensory and language awareness.
They are touchy feely books and that helps a child learn how to say and read a word…
but ALSO learn what that word means!

Ā They are the perfect size for their little grabby hands.
Once the babies are floor sitters, I put the books around their feet and they go to town playing with them!
Once Asher was bigger and zooming around – I could place a stack of them on the
coffee table and it kept him BUSY. which… is a mama sanity saver right there.
He would sit and flip through each one…just like we would do together.

I’ll read these books and touch the touchy feely spots and overtime the babies start to
copy me and it is always so exciting as they start to interact with the book and get into it.
Each page describes something about the animal- bumpy or shiny or fuzzy or rough…
I like that I’m giving my kids the words to use to describe things- learning adjectives!

The big kids love to read these books to the babies.
I loveeee seeing my big kids read to the little ones…
I feel like it builds such confidence in them as readers and
those special moments are TREASURE I tell ya!

The cover is padded and soft. The pages are thick and durable.
And Usborne Books & More has an amazing replacement policy.
I never worry about losing out if the baby destroys the books.
(which we’ve never had happen and my boys are rough!)
You are able to get a new one for half off if you want to replace it.

There is a little mouse on each page…
so when they are babies we always say, “Where’s the mouse? There he is!”
The little ones always love playing peek a boo and
as they get older they like to find it themselves.

Speech Therapists use these books to help facilitate language!
I’m taking their advice and using these hardcore.
Here’s a post one of the girls on my team shared about how she
uses these books as a Speech Therapist .

These books are the perfect size for diaper bags and to take in the car.
On road trips we always have a few of these in our “book bag” and they
help keep theĀ little ones happy and busy.

Two other series that I love are the Slide and See titles
and the Fingertrail books.
They are the cutest and have sparked such a joy in him when we read together.
That’s huge for kids and fostering a love fo reading!
We can help them connect those happy feelings with reading.
It’s also become a fun challenge to find books on topics or things they love…
those get the best reactions!


Asher loves the That’s Not My Squirrel title…
and he kinda makes me think of a squirrel.
Packing away food for winter in his cheeks. lol.
How cute are the books lined up on the shelves??
We cycle them out with some of our other books from this collection.
(ps. the shelves are from IKEA.)

If you have any questions about the books just comment or email me:
I love chatting the books AND if you mention this post I can offer you a special deal!

If you are new around here, I’m a consultant with Usborne Books & More.
My love for the books led me to join andĀ build a team.
I’m able to regularly stock our shelves with NEW books. (We need more shelves!!)
I help other mamas earn FREE books with online parties.
(One girl just went on a $150 free book shopping spree
after her little facebook party!Ā Her kids freaked out when the box arrived.
Pretty fun for no risk on her part!)

The discount is nice as a consultant (25%)…
but if you work the business right you’ll earn them all for free, half off or 65% off!

The That’s Not My titles are originally $9.99.
Message me and ask me what my current special is- would love to hook you
up if you have your eye one some titles!

I also have realized that I love these books because of my past love for beanie babies. lol.
I’m throwing 90’s themed parties for girls to help them earn free books based on sales….
and this is one of the graphics I made for it.
All the nostalgia and warm and fuzzies please!

Want me to throw you your own 90’s themed party with your friends??
It’s been such a fun theme and I love showing the new titles and
helping my hostesses earn a bunch of them for FREE!
I feel like the 90’s theme is just easier for people to invite their friends too…
it doesn’t feel sales-y but more FUN! Message me and let’s line one up girl!

The ‘That’s Not My’ Series is filled with fun ones to pick from!
What is your child’s favorite thing? Or what is your nursery theme?
Pick one to match!

These are also great books for themed gifts—
Doing a cute little bunny baby shower gift basket?
Throw in That’s Not My Bunny and you are also helping mama build her home library for baby!
I have a fun blog post on that topic coming soon…
I had way too much fun grouping up some fun gift ideas, inspired by favorite titles!
You can check out all of the books we love here — BROWSE THE BOOKS.

Are you loving learning about these books and want to see more of my picks??
Follow my book account on Instagram!
I regularly share our favorite picks- why we love them and how we use them.