Ocean Themed Summer Fun- At Home!

July 16, 2019

We are zooming through summer! Have you done a lot of the things you’ve wanted to do?
The Beach isn’t happening for us this summer….
but I knew I wanted to go fun mom on the kids and do something ocean themed-at home!
Can’t go wrong with snacks and slime. (I know the way to my kids’ hearts.)
Are you wanting to do something extra fun for your crew before Summer ends?
Didn’t get a trip to the beach this summer either?
Here’s some fun ocean themed inspiration for your own family memory making!
Snacks, activity, cute decor details and….earning cash back!
YEP. all the details below!

It’s fun making memories with your kids….
It’s even more fun saving money WHILE you do it.
I recently discovered an app called Ibotta and it inspired me
to do this FUN themed morning for the kids AND save some money while I do it!
I earn CASH BACK on every day purchases! When you sign up for the app… You choose your favorite stores.
Target, Walmart and Walgreens made my cut. I was able to see all the sweet savings I could get.

After you purchase the items you want… Just upload the receipt and redeem your offers.
I knew I wanted to create a fun snack table for the kids and loved that right off the bat I
could get cash back on any groceries I got…and cash back on the exact gummies my kids love!

BOOM. savings. And memories are always more fun to make when you know you earned money back!

OK! Let’s dive into the Ocean themed fun shall we?
Here’s what I ended up putting together for my kiddos.
After they went to bed I blew up some balloons and strung up a shimmery garland I bought at Target.
I raided my old party supplies bin and did a fun little backdrop over the table.

I just used shipping tape to attach the balloons together and up on the curtain rod. SO EASY.
Took me 15 minutes and I knew they would freak in the morning.

The activity for this ocean themed playtime was slime.
Now, before you think I’m some free spirited mama who loves slime… I don’t!
BUT…sometimes it’s nice to get a little crazy and say YES to the fun your kids love.
So for this summer festivity we went all out and I got each kid their own blue glue for slime.
I tried out Elmer’s Magical Liquid that takes the place of contact solution and other slime ingredients.
So easy! I also saw some cute fish at the store that hopped right into my cart!

Are you ready to be shocked?… I even got glitter.
I KNOW. Who am I???
We did it. We survived. Still finding glitter but moving on.

The treat table came together quick as I grabbed some cake stands from my dining room…
cupcake wrappers from the pantry… and styled up some cute snacks/treats for the kids.

I used a grocery + candy cash back deal from Ibotta and grabbed
some groceries at Target: Rice cakes, Gatorade, blue frosting and candies.
We already had some goldfish and white sprinkles to look like bubbles!
I had some blue construction paper and cut some waves into the top for a little more ocean cuteness.

It was a fun summer morning…
We had snacks, an activity and Micah had pulled together a
bunch of our ocean themed books to dive into.
It FELT like we were at the ocean.. .without all the sand. Calling that a win.

What kind of summer fun would you dream up with the savings from using Ibotta?
I spotted these cash back deals on cool treats…
perfect for the hot Summer days we have left!
All offers were valid as of publish date. Don’t forget to check your app for details as
offers change frequently and may not be available in all areas. Don’t they look yummy??

Make this summer one you’ll never forget with cash back from Ibotta.
Download the app and start earning today!
I hope you feel inspired to do something extra special and
creative AT HOME with your crew this summer. Have fun!

  • Sarah Joy
    July 16, 2019 at 4:33 pm

    So true about zooming through summer! I decided that our summer wasn’t packed enough, so I started a blog, lol.

  • Lisa Maloy
    July 16, 2019 at 9:30 pm

    Love this!!! And I need to try out that app asap!!!!! You are so creative!